High Level Australian Parliamentary Delegation concludes successful visit to Sri Lanka 8-14 December 2011

High Level Australian Parliamentary Delegation concludes successful visit to Sri Lanka 8-14 December 2011

A five member Australian parliamentary delegation visited Sri Lanka on the invitation of Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa from 8-14 December 2011. The delegation was led by Maria Vamvakinou M.P., of the ruling Labour Party and included Rowen Ramsey M.P., (Liberal), Harry Jenkins, M.P., (Labour) who till recently was the speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr Andrew Southcott, M.P., (Liberal) and Senator Helen Kroger (Liberal).

The Australian MPs called on Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa at the Parliamentary complex in Sri Jayawardenapura and also witnessed the budget debate in the house. During the discussion both sides welcomed the opportunity to enhance cooperation between the two respective Parliaments and to broaden the dialogue between law makers of the two countries. The Australian delegation also held talks with the Leader of the House and Irrigation and Water Resources Management Minister, Nimal Siripala De Silva, Economic Development Minister, Basil Rajapaksa, Defence and Urban Development Ministry Secretary, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Hon S B Dissanayake, Minister of Higher Education and the Leader of the Opposition Hon Ranil Wickramasinghe. The delegation also had a lively exchange of views with the President and members of the Sri Lanka - Australia Parliamentary Friendship Association haling from Government and Opposition ranks.

Later in their visit the delegates called on the External Affairs Minister, Prof. G.L Peiris and held extensive discussions on developments in bilateral relations between the two countries.

The delegation also traveled to the North of Sri Lanka with an overnight stay and met with Government Agent Jaffna Mrs Imelda Sukumar, the Bishop of Jaffna Rt Rev. Thomas Savundaranayagam, Security Forces Commander of the area Major-General Mahinda Hathurusinghe and visited projects for which Australian aid was being provided in that area.

This visit was seen as an opportunity for Australian lawmakers to witness first-hand the reconciliation process that is underway in Sri Lanka and assess the reconstruction and development that is taking place in the country since the end of the conflict. Australia has offered significant developmental aid to Sri Lanka in recent years often contributing more than the stipulated amounts in the federal budget.

The Australian parliamentarians met with other parliamentarians, dignitaries and leading Sri Lankan businessmen during their social engagements and also traveled to Kandy to visit the Temple of the Tooth and the Peradeniya Botanical Gardens. They also participated in a ceremony organized by the Australian High Commission in Colombo for AusAid scholars from Sri Lanka and for those who had been scholarship recipients in the past. This occasion was graced by Hon Prof. G L Peiris as Chief Guest and was attended by both High Commissioners in Australia and Sri Lanka.

The Sri Lanka High Commission in Australia was instrumental in organising this visit in consultation with the Ministry of External Affairs and the Secretary General of the Sri Lanka Parliament. Sri Lanka’s envoy in Canberra, Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe was in Sri Lanka for the visit.

Sri Lanka High Commission

22nd December 2011

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