Embassy promotes Sri Lanka at multiple events in Ankara

Embassy promotes Sri Lanka at multiple events in Ankara

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Ankara, Türkiye participated in the “5th International Culture Day” at the OSTIM Technical University, “BLIS International Day” of the Bilkent Laboratory International School (BLIS) and “Asia Night Culture Festival” at Kafka on 14, 15, 18 May 2024 respectively.

At all three events, a Sri Lanka stall presented Sri Lankan tourism promotion products, food and tea, traditional clothing, handicrafts and screened tourism promotion videos.

A large number of students and parents visited the Sri Lanka stalls at these events.

The events served as ideal opportunities to share information on Sri Lanka, especially with students who also had a chance to experience Sri Lankan hospitality and cuisine.

The three events promoted Sri Lanka and its culture and increased people-to-people contacts, raising awareness on Sri Lanka among the people of Türkiye.

Embassy of Sri Lanka


21 May 2024

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