Mission News

Multi-faith service to build bridges between communities


The Sri Lanka High Commissioner in Canada spearheaded a multi-faith service on August 9th 2009, at the Bronson Center in Ottawa to mark the dawn of peace in Sri Lanka. This event was organized by the Sri Lanka High Commission and the friends of Sri Lanka in Ottawa as an initial step towards its efforts to integrate the communities after the end of the conflict in Sri Lanka.

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South African International Trade Exhibition (SAITEX) in Johannesburg


The High Commission of Sri Lanka in South Africa, in collaboration with Sri Lanka Export Development Board, organized Sri Lanka participation at South African International Trade Exhibition (SAITEX) - 2009 which was held from 19 – 21 July at Gallagher Convention Center in Midrand, Johannesburg. Eight Sri Lankan companies participated in this event with the aim to promote their products in the African market.

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“Sri Lanka – Land of Thousand Dreams”


The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Moscow held an event that showcased a film titled ‘Rama’s Bridge’ on the 10th of August 2009. The film portrayed the journey of a fearless warrior who walks across the sea over a bridge from India to Sri Lanka. This bridge is 38km and is only seen in ancient maps and heard of in legends. The film shows the dangers faced by him and what waits for him on the other side.

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