Mission News

Minister Samarasinghe addresses the Human Rights Council at Sri Lanka’s UPR

Madam President,
Distinguished Delegates,


It is my privilege and pleasure to share with the 14th Session of the UPR Working Group information and perspectives on the action taken to promote and protect human rights in Sri Lanka in the period since our first review in 2008. It has been our consistently articulated position that, in the particular circumstances and context of the Sri Lankan situation, the UPR process provides the best opportunity to raise questions and seek clarifications about the evolving situation in the country.

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Washington , Oct 15,2012: In a new Milestone for Sri Lanka's Humanitarian Demining Project, the Marshall Legacy Institute (MLI) of the United States has honored Sri Lanka Army sapper DKN Rohan and Mine Detection Dog Spartacus as the best Mine Detection Dog (MDD) Team for the year 2012. The Sri Lankan team was selected for this prestigious award out of 107 teams representing 11 countries.

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Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Los Angeles takes initiatives to promote Sri Lanka at the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce


The Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Los Angeles organized a Sri Lanka Promotional event in collaboration with the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce, California, USA on October 15th, 2012 at the Chamber conference hall. 

 The “Sri Lanka Promotion” at the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce was an awareness campaign, which focused on overview of Sri Lanka, trade, investment and tourism. 

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