Mission News

Students from Zahira College visit India


Seven schoolboys from the Advanced and Ordinary Level standards of Zahira College, together with their Principal A.R. Marikkar, are currently on a visit to India from 15 – 22 April 2013.

The visit is organized by the India-Sri Lanka Foundation, which has as its objectives, the promotion of greater understanding, educational and cultural cooperation between the peoples of India and Sri Lanka.

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Sinhala & Tamil New Year celebrated in Cuba


The Sinhala & Tamil New Year was celebrated on a grand scale at the Ambassador’s Official Residence in Cuba on 13th April amid a large gathering of Sri Lankan students and well wishers. The festivities began with the lighting of the ceremonial oil lamp followed by beating of raban to the tune of magul bera heralding the dawn of Avurudu. Welcoming the guests, Ambassador Sarath Dissanayake spoke of the significance of the Sinhala & Tamil New Year as a multicultural gathering in which all Sri Lankans irrespective of their ethnic, religious, socio - cultural backgrounds come together as members of one family in a spirit of unity and harmony to celebrate Sri Lanka’s foremost national festival which has been passed down from generations to generations.

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Sri Lanka’s First Honorary Consul in Namibia

On the approval of the Hon. Minister of External Affairs Professor G.L. Peiris the Sri Lankan High Commission in Pretoria, South Africa appointed Mr Sackey Aipinge as Sri Lanka’s first Honorary Consul in Namibia. Mr. Ai ...

The bond of Buddha and all that it conveys is a bond between India and Sri Lanka which nothing can break



Inaugurating an exhibition of photographs titled ‘Buddhist Heritage of Sri Lanka: a shared culture with India’ at the India International Centre in New Delhi on 9 April, Foreign Secretary of India Ranjan Mathai, quoting from a speech made by India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru during a visit to Sri Lanka, then Ceylon, in 1950, said that the bond of Buddha and all that it conveys is a bond between India and Sri Lanka which nothing can break.

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World Justice Project –Rule of Law Index 2012-2013-Sri Lanka Scores High

Sri Lanka has received a high ranking in the World Justice Project’s (WJP) annual, Rule of Law Index. The report states that Sri Lanka “outperforms its regional peers in all but two dimensions”. 

The WJP Rule of Law Index is an innovative quantitative assessment tool designed by the WJP offering detailed and comprehensive picture of the extent to which countries adhere to the rule of law in practice. It provides original data regarding a variety of dimensions of the rule of law, enabling the assessment of a nation’s adherence to the rule of law in practice, identifying nation’s strengths and weaknesses in comparison to similarly situated countries, and tracking charges over time.

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