Author Archives: MFA User

‘UN, forum where global issues can be discussed’ – Deputy Foreign Minister


Deputy Foreign Minister Neomal Perera yesterday said that Sri Lanka is of the view that the United Nations must play a role, as it has the legitimacy to deal with pressing global economic governance and development related issues. "With 193 Sovereign States, the UN has the collective mandate and is the major forum where we can discuss global issues of concern and find ways and means to meet the needs and challenges in this century', he said.

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Treasury to finance LLRC implementation

* Media, dpl community to be periodically briefed

* Government strategy practical

The government’s strategy for implementation of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission is practical and action-oriented, and the financial resources required for this purpose will be released by the Treasury, External Affairs Minister Prof. G. L. Peiris said on Tuesday.

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Top SA delegation to visit Sri Lanka

A top South African business delegation will be arriving in Colombo next week. The delegation consists of no less than 30 leading business members of the Progressive Business Forum of African National Congress (ANC-PBF) ...
