Author Archives: MFA User

External Affairs Ministry Statement on “Petrie report”

The Ministry of External Affairs refers to the “Report of the Secretary General’s Internal Review Panel on UN action in Sri Lanka” or the “Petrie Report” which was leaked to the media the day prior to its being formally handed over to the Secretary General on 14th November, and officially made public the same day. While this Report is an internal review of the UN’s action in Sri Lanka during the terrorist conflict, the Ministry’s attention has been drawn to certain issues with regard to allegations directed at the Government of Sri Lanka, which are regrettably unsubstantiated, erroneous and replete with conjecture and bias. The Ministry, therefore, wishes to state the following:-

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Deepavali Celebrated in Kuwait


The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Kuwait celebrated the Festival of Lights “Deepavali” on 16th Friday, November 2012 along with the members of Tamil Community as well as members from other communities. Sri Lanka Ambassador C A H M Wijeratne welcoming the guests stressed the importance of Deepavali and stated that such celebrations create much needed harmony in the Sri Lankan Community living in Kuwait.   Traditional sweetmeats associated with Deepavali   were distributed among the participants at the event.

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