Author Archives: MFA User

EU – Sri Lanka Joint Re-admission Committee meets in Colombo

On 18th February 2013, the Joint Re-admission Committee(JRC) under the EU – Sri Lanka Readmission Agreement convened its first meeting in Colombo, since the signing of the Agreement in June 2004 and its entry into force on 1st May 2005.

The Agreement between the European Community and Sri Lanka on the re-admission of persons residing without authorization is an indication of the commitment of both parties to effectively combat illegal migration, including human trafficking and related criminal activities and to establish streamlined procedures for the safe and orderly return of persons who do not satisfy the criteria to remain on the territories of Sri Lanka or the EU member countries.

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Indian Students on Sri Lanka tour


An eight-member team of boys and girls from Montfort School of New Delhi will be visiting Richmond College, Galle from 16-25 February 2013 under the aegis of the Student Exchange Programme of the India-Sri Lanka Foundation. The student team is accompanied by the Principal of the School Brother K. Monachan along with the School Counselor Mrs. Renu Singla and Arts teacher Mr. Abdul Qayyum.

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