‘August Sun’ (Ira Madiyama), a Sri Lankan film produced in the year 2007 by the renowned film director Mr. Prasanna Vithanage, which has won many international awards and featured prominently in the world festival circuit was screened at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand (FCCT) on 22nd April 2013.
Author Archives: MFA User
Urlaub-travel magazine features Sri Lanka
Urlaub!, a travel magazine launched by MME Austria Ltd., a public relations and media firm based in Vienna, features Sri Lanka in its cover page with a caption 'A couple of pieces of paradise'. The magazine priced at E ...
Statement by External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L Peiris at the conclusion of the 3rd Sri Lanka – Thailand Joint Commission Meeting, 2nd May, 2013
While I warmly welcome His Excellency Surapong Tovichakchaikul, the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Thailand to Sri Lanka, I am pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the 3rd Joint Commission between Sri Lanka and Thailand.
Sri Lanka’s hosting of the current session signifies the renewed vigour with which we pursue our bilateral relations as they provide a unique platform to further consolidate and expand our traditional friendship with Thailand.
Embassy of Sri Lanka in Bangkok celebrated the Sinhala and Tamil New Year
The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Bangkok together with the Sri Lanka Association in Thailand and the Sri Lankan students at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) celebrated the Sinhala and Tamil New Year on 20th April 2013 at the AIT grounds from 8.30 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.
The daylong celebration began with the lighting of the ceremonial oil lamp and the singing of National Anthem.
NZ will attend CHOGM: Prime Minister
Prime Minister John Key says New Zealand will attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Sri Lanka later this year. The Queen – or one of her representatives – will be at the talks in Colombo, and we ...
Commonwealth Business Forum The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in New York Hosts a Well Attended Reception
The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations hosted a well-attended reception today on the upcoming Commonwealth Business Forum (CBF) in Sri Lanka. Guests were treated to a range of Sri Lankan food, music an ...
CHOGM in Sri Lanka in November:
Commonwealth values require support for a country :
It is a matter of satisfaction for Sri Lanka that justice has been done, despite well-planned and persistent attempts in some quarters to re-canvass the decision to hold the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Sri Lanka in November this year and the government has been able to defeat these efforts, External Affairs Minister Professor G L Peiris said.