Author Archives: MFA User

Reviving hopes on dead-locked fishers’ talks

OPINION Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 By N Sathiya Moorthy At their first meeting after the inauguration of the new government in New Delhi, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and visiting Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapak ...

NEA signs deal with SLankan company

Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 By Sanjeev Giri Two years after the transformer scam came to light, the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has signed an agreement with a Sri Lanka-based company to procure new transformers. The st ...

Malaysian Cops Alarmed by LTTE Recruitment Bid

Sunday, 1st June 2014 By P.K. Balachandran Colombo: the recent arrest of three top activists of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) by the Malaysian police stemmed from a growing anxiety in that country about t ...

How did LTTE operatives have UNHCR passes?

Sunday, 1st June 2014 Suddenly not only are LTTErs emerging alive from the dead, at least that was what internationally accepted reports initially revealed to embarrass Sri Lanka, but now supposed ‘refugees’ holding UNH ...

The beginning of a new era in South Asia

  Sunday, 01st June 2014 Editorial India has always maintained close historical and political ties with Sri Lanka, its closest neighbour, from time immemorial. The Mahavamsa, written around 400 AD by the Bhikkhu Mah ...
