Author Archives: MFA User

Australian Tamil Congress, A Terrorist Front ?

Sunday, 20th July 2014 By Camelia Nathaniel LTTE procurement officer Sivarajah Yathavan from Melbourne, Australia Australian Tamil Congress (ATC), LTTE’s premier front in Australia, was designated as a terrorist entity ...

Experts To Seek Fair Probe

Sunday, 20th July 2014 By Easwaran Rutnam The Chairman of the three-member Advisory Council appointed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa last week to the Commission of Inquiry on Missing Persons, which has now been tasked ...

Sri Lanka best in South Asia

Air quality management Sunday, 20th July 2014 Sri Lanka ranked at the 69th place in the Environment Performance Index (EPI) Yale University which is a Global Environmental Assessment Index in terms of air quality manag ...

Ramadhan keeps humanity together

Friday, 18th July 2014 Muslims in Sri Lanka, the island nation that was reeling under some communal unrest, are following a strict Ramadhan regime by keeping aloof from all the food, water and other material stuff durin ...
