Author Archives: MFA User

Consequences of external intervention not for Sri Lanka-bilateral discussion between FMs of Sri Lanka and Cuba


The consequences of external intervention in the domestic affairs of countries, and the havoc it has caused resulting in the loss of precious human lives and the governability of nations being placed at risk, are today evident in many parts of the world, and the people of Sri Lanka certainly have no wish to exchange the peace and stability they now enjoy for this state of affairs, Professor G.L. Peiris, Minister of External Affairs, remarked in the course of the bilateral discussion he held at the Ministry of External Affairs yesterday (8th September 2014) with Mr. Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba.

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LTTE should be subjected to international laws

Sunday, 07th September 2014 by Shenali D. Waduge Today’s wars are not between States. IHL(International Human Law) and associated treaties are meant for conventional wars and with terrorism not defined there is a big qu ...
