Author Archives: MFA User

Sri Lanka condemns suicide bomb attack in Wagah, Pakistan

The Government of Sri Lanka vehemently condemns the heinous suicide terrorist attack at Wagah, Pakistan, on 02nd November 2014 killing at least 60 people and injuring over 100 others. 

The people of Sri Lanka share the pain and anguish of the people of Pakistan over this wanton act of terror targeting innocent civilians.  Sri Lanka is confident of the fortitude and resilience of the Government and the people of Pakistan to remain firmly resolved to defeat terrorism.  This incident demonstrates the urgent need to further intensify international cooperation to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, in the interest of global peace and security. 

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Deepavali celebrated in Berlin

Sri Lankans of other faiths living in Germany joined their Hindu brethren as one Sri Lankan community to celebrate the Deepavali festival at Sri Ganesha temple in Berlin. The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Germany, together ...


The Minister of External Affairs, Professor G. L. Peiris on Tuesday, 4th November, met the Heads of Mission and Representatives of the main proponents of the Investigation on Sri Lanka by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the High Commissioner of Australia. The Deputy Country Director of the UNDP also participated representing the UN system.

Minister Peiris explained to these representatives, the details regarding the recent arrest of Sinnathamby Krishnarasa, a non-rehabilitated LTTE cadre.  This action led to the discovery in his possession of blank forms containing signatures of persons affected by the conflict. The Minister revealed how questioning Krishnarasa had led to the disclosure that he had been employed by Alva Pulle Vijendrakumar alias Sun Master, a close associate of the TNA, to obtain signatures of those affected by the conflict on blank forms on the assurance that this exercise was for obtaining monetary compensation from the UN. He had also received instructions from Sun Master to collect death certificates and National Identity Card details of persons who had lost their lives during the last phase of the conflict and personal data of war widows and photographs of disabled persons. Minister Peiris explained that Krishnarasa had revealed that the forms with signatures were to be completed with fabricated “eye witness” reports to be submitted to the OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka (OISL). He observed that these revelations point to several others having been employed and tasked with the collection of similar information to be presented to the OISL, particularly as Krishnarasa was in possession of a diary containing details of 400 persons who were missing, had died or been injured.

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