Daily Archives: October 3, 2012

Ambassador Aryasinha says those who downplay Sri Lanka’s post-conflict achievements show disrespect to those who have overcome 30 years of suffering

Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha has said, "those who downplay the significance of Sri Lanka's post-conflict achievements and constantly keep shifting goal posts, show disrespect not only to Sri Lanka and its international partners whose steadfast commitment to this task has made these achievements possible, but also to those who have at last emerged from the suffering caused by 30 years of terrorist conflict".

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Govt. calls for report on sectarian violence


External Affairs Ministry has called on the Sri Lankan High Commission in Bangladesh to submit a full report on violence triggered on Buddhist temples by some sectarian mobs in Bangladesh.

External Affairs Ministry Secretary Karunathilaka Amunugama yesterday said he has called for an urgent report on the incidents involving attacks on Buddhist temples in Bangladesh.

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