The Sri Lanka High Commission in Malaysia hosted a reception, “Year End Get- Together” on 29th December 2012 to thank the expatriate community and interlocutors for their assistance to the Mission and the staff during the year 2012. Over 150 distinguished guests were invited for the reception.

The Sri Lanka High Commission in Malaysia hosted a reception, “Year End Get- Together” on 29th December 2012 to thank the expatriate community and interlocutors for their assistance to the Mission and the staff during the year 2012. Over 150 distinguished guests were invited for the reception.

At the invitation of Actg. High Commissioner Maj. Gen. S W L Daulagala, the drum and dance group of Trinity Collage (Primary), performed a spectacular traditional dance which enthralled the invitees.

In addition a group of children of the staff and expatriate community sung Christmas Carols. Actg. High Commissioner in his brief remarks thanked the Sri Lankan expatriate community and Malaysian friends, for the strong support extend to the High Commission and requested their assistance in year 2013 as well.
The guests were served with Sri Lankan spicy dinner.
High Commission of Sri Lanka
Kuala Lumpur
3rd January 203
Actg. High Commissioner’s speech :
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues and guests!
A warm word of welcome to everyone tonight as we said goodbye to the year 2012 that very soon will become our history. But before we greet the year 2013, I would like all of us to recall our achievements and challengers encountered.
Tonight is an exceptional evening – I am so glad that so many special people have been able to join us this evening.
As, always to absent friends – we still miss you.
Staff of the Sri Lanka High Commission decided to have the yearend get – together to thank Sri Lankan expatriates, our Diaspora and Malaysian friends for the strong support extended.
We are privileged that this event will be entertained by junior school Drum & Dance Troup of Trinity College Kandy coming all the way from Sri Lanka.
For the High commission staff, I know that you often work hard far in to the night and wonder if anyone has really noticed your active contribution to our Mission. Tonight, I want reassure you: we do notice, we do appreciate what you do, we do value it, and we are grateful.
I am sure that I can count on all of you, on your utmost dedication inspiration and professionalism, in continuing to make this happen. You are all, whatever your role and responsibilities, indispensable to our High Commission.
I wish you and your family to have a wonderful break and a happy festive season and may you have a bright and prosperous 2013 New Year filled with all good blessing!
I thank you!!
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