Vesak Celebrations in Jeddah

Vesak Celebrations in Jeddah


The Consulate General of Sri Lanka, together with the Sri Lankans living in Jeddah celebrated Vesak on 23rd May 2014 at the premises of the Consulate. The event was supported by Buddhists as well as non-Buddhist Sri Lankans.

The Consulate premises were colourfully decorated and illuminated with Buddhist flags, Vesak lanterns and lamps which captured the Vesak ambience. The morning session, “Seela Viyaparaya” started at 7.00 a.m. with observance of Atasil. Thereafter a Buddha Pujawa, Heel Daanaya, Baawanawa, Dharmadesanawa, Deva Daanaya, and Sil Pavaaranaya were conducted.

The second half of the programme began with lighting of Vesak lanterns and inauguration of the illuminations by the Consul General Dr. A. Uthumalebbe, followed by his address to the gathering.


A cultural programme, including traditional dancing, songs glorifying the deeds of Lord Buddha, and devotional songs (Bakthi Gee) was also held a “Dansala” programme, arranged by “Swashakthi Mithuru Kela – Jeddah”, provided an opportunity for all the participants to experience a tradition that is practised in Sri Lanka during Vesak.


Consulate General of Sri Lanka


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