Sri Lanka Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Beirut and under the patronage of Ambassador of Sri Lanka in Lebanon H.M.G.R.R.K. Wijerathne Mendis conducted a medical camp for the Sri Lankan migrant workers living in Lebanon, at the Embassy premises on 14 July 2019.
Second Secretary/ Labour, T.Luxmidharan, on his welcome speech, stated that this medical camp assisted the Sri Lankans who are not in a position to obtain a health insurance coverage to receive medical treatment free of charge.
Ambassador Wijerathne Mendis stated that the medical camp which was organized under the safe migration policy of the Government of Sri Lankan focused on ensuring the safety and welfare of the workers by creating awareness on non-communicable diseases such as Diabetics and Hypertension which are common among the migrant workers.
Around 200 Sri Lankan expatriates domiciled in Lebanon visited the Embassy and 84 Sri Lankan migrant workers obtained treatment from the IOM doctors. Chief medical Officer of IOM, Dr. Samir Hadjiabduli, General Physician, Dr. Sarah Zbeidy, and Cardiologist, Dr. Mohamad Maita rendered a notable service in providing medicine and required medical advice. The doctors were also awarded with appreciation certificates for the service rendered by them.
Councellor (E&W), P.K.T. Hettiarachchi, briefed the facilities given by the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment for the Sri Lankan migrant workers. Further, the Embassy telecasted a short film documentary related to the health and deceases.
All the Sri Lankans who arrived for medical treatment were served with refreshments by Seela samadi sadaham Ekamuthuwa in Lebanon. All staff members of the Embassy also provided their assistance to the medical camp.
The participants have expressed their sincere gratitude to the Embassy and IOM for providing medical treatment and advice.