The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Beijing Celebrates the National New Year Day

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Beijing Celebrates the National New Year Day

The Embassy of Sri Lanka celebrated the National New Year on 17 April, 2022 at the Embassy in accordance with customs and traditions. Over 150 invitees, including Ambassadors, representatives from Diplomatic Missions, the Sri Lanka community and Chinese friends were present.

The event was embellished with the traditional lighting of the New Year Lamp, boiling of milk, traditional sweetmeats, Avurudu games, in particular, a tug of war, kana muttiya, musical chairs and the selection of the Avurudu Kumara and Avurudu Kumari. The event was sponsored by the China Sri Lanka Association for Trade and Economic Cooperation (CSLATE).

Avurudu rituals were performed to enable the invitees to observe the Sri Lankan culture and to bring a little of the Sri Lankan culture to Beijing.  The invitees were later treated to Sri Lankan delicacies, especially Sri Lankan traditional sweetmeats.

The National New Year message highlighted the transition of the Sun from the Meena Rashiya (Pisces) to the Mesha Rashiya (Aries), and the end of the harvesting season bringing prosperity and happiness to the country.

Embassy of Sri Lanka


21 April, 2022

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