The Bells of Cathedral Porta Santa Rufina in Italy ring for Sri Lanka

The Bells of Cathedral Porta Santa Rufina in Italy ring for Sri Lanka

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“Sri Lanka is a beautiful country blessed with a beautiful nation. I know it by experience as we have quite a lot of Sri Lankans here in Rome. We cannot tolerate at any cost what they suffered on Easter Sunday. We just want to say that we are with them” stated Most Rev. Gino Reali, the Bishop of Porta Santa Rufina diocese at Via Cassia, La Storta Cathedral at a special commemoration mass held for the Easter Sunday victims in Sri Lanka on Tuesday, 28th May 2019.

His Lordship further mentioned that terrorism at any cost cannot be tolerated and that the solidarity of the Church is such that “we do not just feel for one another but do remain in perfect communion in sharing the burdens always”. He mentioned that the deaths of these innocent “martyrs” will truly intercede for the healing of the mourning families and for the nation continuously, before the heavenly Father.

Very Rev. Monsignor Neville Joe Perera, the National Coordinator for Sri Lankan migrants in Italy who concelebrated at the mass made a special vote of thanks to His Lordship and the presbyterium of the diocese for making this special arrangement to commemorate the Sri Lankan Easter Sunday victims. He further noted that the Sri Lankan migrant community in Italy mainly comprised of Catholics amounting to around 150000 and more than 2500 persons work in La Storta. He also reminded of His Lordship Gino’s special love for Sri Lanka as he has visited the island twice and especially his friendship with Archbishop Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, the Archbishop of Colombo.

Ambassador Daya Pelpola attended the mass and was warmly received by His Lordship. A large community of Sri Lankan migrants who have settled in Rome (La Storta) as well as priests of the diocese and many Italians who are in perfect solidarity with the Sri Lankan community in Rome were also present. The event was an ideal opportunity for Catholics living in Italy to make a powerful prayer of intercession for the affected Churches in Sri Lanka. The biblical reflection of the day focused on the event of Resurrection.

Monsignor Neville Joe Perera observed that what Catholics and Christians in Sri Lanka experienced on Easter Sunday this year is no different from the first Christian experience following the death of the Lord.



Embassy of Sri Lanka
29 May 2019
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