Sri Lankan gems & jewelry attract large crowds at the China International Jewelry Exhibition in Beijing – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Employment & Tourism

Sri Lankan gems & jewelry attract large crowds at the China International Jewelry Exhibition in Beijing

Sri Lankan gems & jewelry attract large crowds at the China International Jewelry Exhibition in Beijing


Sri Lankan Pavilion ceremonially opened with the lighting of the traditional oil lamp by the Vice Minister of Land & Resources of China.

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Beijing together with the National Gem & Jewelry Authority of Sri Lanka (NGJA) and the Sri Lanka Gem & Jewelry Association (SLGJA) organized a Sri Lanka Pavilion at the China International Jewelry Exhibition held in Beijing from 12 – 16 December 2012.

The Sri Lanka Pavilion, comprising 27 stalls showcasing products from 36 Sri Lankan Gem & Jewelry Trading Companies, was ceremonially opened with the lighting of the traditional oil lamp by the Vice Minister of Land & Resources of China, Xu Deming and Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to China, Ranjith Uyangoda. Representatives from the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Beijing, the National Gem & Jewelry Authority of Sri Lanka, the Sri Lanka Gem & Jewelry Association and the Gems & Jewelry Traders Association of China also participated at the inauguration ceremony.


Deputy Minister of Environment of Sri Lanka visited the Sri Lankan Pavilion

The Deputy Minister of Environment, Abdul Cader visited the Sri Lanka Pavilion on 13 December 2012. A reputed Chinese gem & jewelry magazine interviewed the Deputy Minister on the sidelines of the Exhibition. During the interview Deputy Minister Cader emphasized that there is vast potential for the Sri Lankan gems & jewelry trade in China and encouraged the gem & jewelry industries / authorities of the two countries to make maximum utilization of the potential in the Chinese market. Ambassador Ranjith Uyangoda, Director General of NGJA, Nimal Bandara and representatives of the SLGJA were also present.  


Ceylon Gem Outlets were ceremonially opened with the lighting of the traditional oil lamp by the Deputy Minister of Environment of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankan gems are fast becoming popular in the Chinese market, in particular the Sri Lankan Sapphires. As such the Sri Lanka Pavilion was patronized by large crowds on all 05 days of the Exhibition and the Sri Lankan Gem & Jewelry Trading Companies expressed satisfaction that they were able to secure business with Chinese buyers.

On the sidelines of the China International Jewelry Exhibition, two Sri Lankan gem shops, belonging to the Sri Lankan Gem Paradise Company, were ceremonially opened at the Tiyanya Gem & Jewelry City in Beijing by Deputy Minister Abdul Cader.

The China International Jewelry Exhibition in Beijing was organized by the Gem & Jewelry Traders Association of China. The Commercial Section of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Beijing has established a close working relationship with the Association with a view to further promoting Sri Lankan gems & jewelry in the Chinese market.


Embassy of Sri Lanka


20 December 2012

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