Sri Lankan cultural evening in Warsaw

Sri Lankan cultural evening in Warsaw


"Enjoy the cultural diversity of Sri Lanka", said Ms. Paulina Hakim, a Polish traveller during a cultural promotional evening organized recently by the Embassy of Sri Lanka in collaboration with Lomianki Cultural Center in Warsaw. Ms. Hakim made a presentation of her experience on her recent visit to Sri Lanka to a well attended audience.

The event, being the second of its series in promoting Sri Lanka for its cultural diversity and as an attractive tourist destination among Polish tourists, received a positive appreciation from the audience.


This event was patronized by Hon. Tomasz Dąbrowski, the Mayor of Lomianki District and Mr. Milosz Manasterski, Director of House of Culture of Lomianki District.

The Embassy took this opportunity to promote the "Lion logo", the symbol of Pure Ceylon Tea at this event by providing a cup of authentic Ceylon tea to the audience which was greatly appreciated.

The Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, supported this event by providing promotional material, while complimentary tea for the event was given by the Sri Lanka Tea Board.


Embassy of Sri Lanka in Poland                                                              

12th December 2014


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