Sri Lanka participates at the Presidential Inauguration in Honduras

Sri Lanka participates at the Presidential Inauguration in Honduras


The Sri Lankan Ambassador to Cuba, Sarath Dissanayake represented Sri Lanka at the inauguration ceremony of the newly elected President of Honduras on 27th January 2014, at the National Stadium in the capital Tegucigalpa amid a large gathering of foreign dignitaries from around the world.

At the ceremony, President-elect Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado was sworn in as the ninth President of the Republic of Honduras, having taken the oath of office and Presidential Sash from the President of Congress (Speaker ) Mauricio Oliva. Later, he addressed the nation and inspected the guard of honour.


Following the inaugural ceremony, President Hernandez hosted a banquet at the Presidential Palace at which Ambassador Dissanayake met with the Honduran Foreign Minister, Mireya Agüero de Corrales and   several other dignitaries. During interactions with the Honduran dignitaries, Ambassador conveyed the best wishes and sincere greetings from President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the President and  people of Honduras.


Sri Lanka – Honduras relations have strengthened in recent years and the two countries could look forward to working together in promoting cooperation in certain fields of interest for mutual benefit.


Ministry of External Affairs

Sri Lanka

30th January 2014.

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