Sri Lanka Embassy in Japan Facilitates Three Virtual Investment and Export Webinars

 Sri Lanka Embassy in Japan Facilitates Three Virtual Investment and Export Webinars

Sri Lanka Mission in Japan facilitated 3 online promotional events to increase exports to Japan and investment to Sri Lanka including country specific session at the first ever virtual Sri Lanka Investment Forum (SLIF) concluded with the participation of over 220 prospective Japanese Investors. The mission attracted over 220 potential investors from a cross section of segments including software, pharmaceutical, agricultural and manufacturing to participate in the Japan Sri Lanka virtual room.  The Keynote speakers of the session included the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Japan and Ambassador of Japan to Sri Lanka, Chairman of BOI, Chairman Noritake-Japan Ltd, CEO of Colombo Stock Exchange, Country Director of JETRO as well as Chairman Dockyard Sri Lanka and Chairman of Expo Lanka Pvt Ltd.

Japanese official including Ministry of Economic Trade and Industry (METI), Japan International Cooperation Industry (JICA) congratulated for the informative session and positive responses that were received from prospective investors. Chief Representative of JICA in Sri Lanka Tetsuya Yamada remarked, “Congratulations to the great success of the Investment Forum, which gave a lot of useful information and made me feel the appetite of investors towards Sri Lanka”

Sri Lanka Mission in Japan also facilitated two webinars in coordination with two major Chambers , National Chamber of Exporters (NCE) and National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) participated by over 60  Sri Lankan exporters in each webinar session representing each Chambers. Majority of participants at both the seminars were from food sector though there were participants representing various sectors including ICT, Education, and Apparel.

Speaking at both the seminars the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Japan highlighted some of the services currently extended by the Mission in order to promote exports such as translation and transcribe services, as well as sample receiving for checking quality and standards of packaging and labeling before sending to prospective buyers. The Ambassador also informed the audience that the Mission enthusiastically assists exporters who want to access the Japanese market and invited them to contact Mission for any assistance. Participants also engaged interactively with the Ambassador during the Q & A session and were appreciative of the valuable knowledge gained regarding market access to Japan. First secretary -commercial made a presentation on Japanese market, tariff and non-tariff situation and market entry strategies at both webinars.

Embassy of Sri Lanka


30 June, 2021

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