Sri Lanka Deputy High Commission in Chennai Celebrates Vesak

Sri Lanka Deputy High Commission in Chennai Celebrates Vesak

Commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and the passing away of Lord Buddha, Vesak (Buddha Punima) is widely celebrated in South and South East Asia, among the followers of Buddhism.

Accordingly, the Deputy High Commission of Sri Lanka in Chennai, celebrated Vesak festival on 15 May, 2022 at the Chancery premises, with the participation of the Mission staff.

On the invitation of Dr. D. Venkateshwaran, the Deputy High Commissioner,  Ven. Buddawansalankara thero (Ven. Gauthama Mauriyar thero) of Rameshwaram participated in the celebration and performed a special Bodhi pooja, wishing the people of Sri Lanka on this important occasion.

Deputy High Commission of Sri Lanka


18 May, 2022

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