Ambassador Sudantha Ganegama Arachchi presented Letters of Credence to the President of the Republic of Latvia, as the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the Republic of Latvia, Egils Levits with residence in Sweden on 03 September 2019.
After the presentation of Credentials, Ambassador Ganegama Arachchi had a one-to-one meeting with the Latvian President. At the meeting, the Latvian President stated the need for further strengthening the bilateral relations. Medicine, life sciences and IT sector were identified for developing possible collaborations.
While conveying warm greetings from the President Maithripala Sirisena to the Latvian President, the Ambassador appreciated his views and agreed to pursue necessary action in the identified sectors. He also thanked Latvian President for sending the message condemning the terrorist attack on Easter Sunday and expressing sympathies to its victims. The Latvian President was also briefed about the Government action to improve security situation and the current political and economic developments in the country.
During the Meeting with the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Andris Pelšs and the relevant officials, Ambassador Ganegama Arachchi discussed the potential for enhancing bilateral relations and proposed to consider signing a Memorandum of Understanding on Bilateral Political Consultations. When the Ambassador called on the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Dagmãra Beitnere Le-Galla at the Latvian Parliament, the possibilities of re-establishing Latvia-Sri Lanka Parliamentary Association and exchanging Parliamentary delegation were discussed.
During the visit, Ambassador Ganegama Arachchi met the officials of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia and the Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Latvia and discussed the possibilities of exchanging delegations for deepening trade relations and promoting tourism industry to the mutual benefit.
Minister of the Embassy, Harsha Vithanaarachchi and Honorary Consul for Sri Lanka in Latvia, Arnis Ancupans accompanied the Ambassador to the meetings.

20190902 Riga. Latvijas valsts prezidents Egils Levits akredite Srilankas pilnvaroto un arkartejo vestnieku. Foto / Ilmars Znotins / VPK

20190902 Riga. Latvijas valsts prezidents Egils Levits akredite Srilankas pilnvaroto un arkartejo vestnieku. Foto / Ilmars Znotins / VPK

20190902 Riga. Latvijas valsts prezidents Egils Levits akredite Srilankas pilnvaroto un arkartejo vestnieku. Foto / Ilmars Znotins / VPK

20190902 Riga. Latvijas valsts prezidents Egils Levits akredite Srilankas pilnvaroto un arkartejo vestnieku. Foto / Ilmars Znotins / VPK