South Asia and SAARC Division – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Employment & Tourism

South Asia and SAARC Division

South Asia And SAARC Division

  • The South Asia & SAARC Division deals with the matters pertaining to bilateral and regional relations with seven South Asian countries; Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal and Pakistan.
  • The Division is assigned with the task of keeping track of geopolitical and socio-economic developments in the region, while providing inputs for high-level political engagements.
  • It also guides Sri Lanka’s foreign policy on these countries in the political, economic, security, education and social spheres. Technical cooperation, development assistance, investment relations, tourism and cultural promotions through both bilateral and regional engagements are also part of the responsibilities of the Division.
  • Sri Lanka maintains resident missions in 6 South Asian countries i.e. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, the Maldives, Nepal and Pakistan, while having one Deputy High Commission in Chennai and two Consulates General in Mumbai and Karachchi.
  • The South Asia & SAARC Division also deals with matters pertaining to South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) which is an eight member regional body.
  • The Division plays a pivotal role in assisting Ministries/Departments/Institutions of Sri Lanka to attend and conduct SAARC related meetings in accordance with the norms and procedures of the SAARC Forum.
  • It also handles the subject of SAARC Visas for Sri Lanka officials and delegates who are attending SAARC related meetings, as well as visas for other entitled categories of persons.

Points of Contact

Actg. Director General (South Asia & SAARC)

Name: Mr. Niluka Kadurugamuwa 
Telephone: +94 112 325 925
Fax: +94 115 339 521
Email: dgsa(at)

Deputy Director (South Asia)

Name: Ms. Prashanthi Krishnamoorthy
Telephone: +94 112 207 227
Email: prashanthi.krishnamoorthy(at)

Deputy Director (SAARC)

Name: Ms. S.R.S. De Silva
Telephone: +94 112 207 226
Email:  ruvinidesilva(at)

Assistant Director (South Asia & SAARC)

Name: Ms. Diana Perera
Telephone: +94 112 324 952
Email:  diana.damayanthi(at)

Assistant Director (South Asia)

Name: Ms. Harshani Pathmakulasoori
Telephone: +94 112 436 323
Email:  harshani.pathmakulasooriya(at)

Head of Branch (South Asia & SAARC)

Name: Mr. H.M.B. Herath
Telephone:+94 11 2 436 323
E-mail: dgsa(at) 
