
Issuance of Visa for Diplomatic and Non-Diplomatic Staff


(1) Embassies /High Commissions/Consulate General Officials/ Consulate Based in Sri Lanka
      1.1 Entry Visa for Diplomats & Non-Diplomatic Staff, Permanent Staff
    • The Mission has to obtain prior approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for creating new position (Home Based). A Note Verbale has to be submitted for justifying the needs of the new position, duty list, and the Curriculum Vitae of the official who is going to take this position.
    • Any defence related new positions or replacement is required the concurrence of the Ministry of Defence.
      The visa application for the new position will be processed if the prior approval or concurrence of this Ministry obtained.
    • Entry visa requests should be submitted to the Protocol Division through a Sri Lankan Mission abroad or respective Diplomatic Mission in Sri Lanka along with following;

i.  Request (Note Verbale)- should be submitted in duplicate
ii. A clear copy of the Data page of the passport of the applicant
iii.Duly filled application for Entry Visa

    • Request should be submitted to the Protocol Division of the Ministry 21 days prior to the expected arrival of the officer/s.
    • If the request is for Defence related position (Defence Advisor/Attaché), it should be submitted to the Protocol Division of the Ministry 30 days prior to the expected arrival of the applicant/s.
    • Upon Ministry’s approval the Department of Immigration & Emigration will convey its approval to the Sri Lanka Mission abroad to issue entry visa for the applicant.
    • On Arrival Visas will be issued only for the requests received from countries where Sri Lanka does not have a Resident Mission.

    1.2 Entry Visa for dependents and family members of Non-Diplomatic Staff (Home based)

    • If the spouse and family members are accompanied with the officer, the applicant should submit the Entry visa application/s together with the officer’s application. If the Spouse and family members are not accompanied by the officer, it is necessary to attach a copy of the visa page of passport of the officer together with their application/s.
    • Entry visas for Children over 21 years of age will be granted on reciprocal basis. (Gratis/Payment)
    • Entry visas for extended family members other than the Officer, Spouse & Children will be granted on reciprocal basis. (Gratis/Payment)

 (2) Residence Visa for Diplomatic, Non-Diplomatic Staff

  • Residence visas will be issued only for the applicants who arrived in the country through an Entry visa.
  • Visa for spouse and family members shall be granted only until the duration of tenure of the Officer.
  • Residence visas will be granted for three (03) years and it can be extended by one year upon request.
  • Residence visas for Children over 21 years of age will be processed by the Ministry on Reciprocal basis. (Gratis/Payment)
  • Residence visas for extended family members will be granted on reciprocal basis. (Gratis/Payment)

  Entry Visa for UN and other International Organizations’ Staff

1.1 Visa Application forms should be submitted along with the following documents;
a) Request letter from relevant Agency/International organization
b) Visa Application as per Protocol Circular
c) Bio Data of the officer
d) Terms of Reference of post including location/project
e) Departure Notice of predecessor
f) Recommendation from the relevant line Ministry
g) Clear copy of data page of Passport of the applicant
  • Entry visa for dependents & family of UN and other organization personnel

a)Terms of Reference (TOR) of the relevant Officer
b)Clearance from the Department of External Resources or relevant Line Ministries
c)Clear copy of data page of Passport of dependent of the applicant

  1. Residence Visa for Diplomatic, Embassy Staff and UN Personnel
2.1 Note Verbale/ request letter has to be submitted by the Embassy/High Commission/UN Organisation
2.2 Officer should enter the country through an Entry visa. The Officer who has arrived through a tourist visa will not be allowed to obtain the Residence visa. In that case, Protocol Division will reject the application and return documents.

3. Residence Visa for Dependents & Family of Diplomatic, Embassy Staff and UN Personnel

3.1 The person who applies for visa on behalf of his or her spouse/children must be officially appointed/attached to the Institute/Organization recognized by the Government of Sri Lanka to be entitled to the Diplomatic privileges and Immunities.
3.2 Visa for spouse and family members granted only until the duration of stay of the principal privileged officer
  • If the visa is granted on payment basis the esteemed Mission will be notified in this regard. Necessary visa fee should be made at the Department of Immigration & Emigration by the esteemed Mission.
  • When applying a visa for a family member / domestic aide of an Official attached to a Diplomatic Mission, a copy of the data page and the visa page of the passport of the official concerned should be submitted along with the duly filled
  • Esteemed Missions are cordially requested to collect the passport from the Protocol Counter only without directly collecting the same from the concerned authority.
  • The Ministry would be grateful if the esteemed Missions could submit the above mentioned documents when applying for visas in order to avoid unnecessary delays in processing the requests.
Please note:
  1. Sri Lanka does not recognize same sex unions. Such partners of privileged persons will not be granted gratis visa by which they will be entitled to Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities.
  2. As a special consideration the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recognizes those in a civil union as entitled to the privileges of spouse provided that they are not of the same sex and are recognized by their own state (refer Protocol Guidelines for further details)
  3. Visa for the Personal Assistant of Diplomatic Officers will be issued on free of charge on Reciprocal basis
  4. All Missions are required to send quartely staff returns (Diplomatic, Non-Diplomatic and Locally recruited staff in March, June, September and December, with the updated information via email to and
Further Inquiries
Protocol Division
Tel : +94112327048 /+94773671408
Fax : +94112325346
Email :
Hotline : +94772282725(After office hours and Public holidays)
Web :

Request to obtain “LAKSIRI” VIP Lounge facility

  1. Request should be an entitle privileged person to use the VIP Lounge facility on gratis basis (determined on reciprocity basis)
  2. Duly filled application form should be forwarded to the Protocol Division along with a TPN at least 72 hours prior to the visit, giving the following information :
    • Name, Designation and Flight details of the VIP i.e. arrival and departure
    • Type of the visit (Official /Private/working /transit)
    • Details of the accompanying delegation, if any such as name and designation.
    • Name(s) and designation(s) of officer(s) who will be meeting the VIP at the Lounge
      • The maximum number of officers who could visit the VIP lounge to receive/see off a VIP is restricted to 03 persons.
    • Vehicle numbers and drivers of the Mission/Organization who are authorized to enter.
  3. Local contact, i.e. contact details of the institution and the name of the local coordinator.
  4. Gratis VIP lounge facility will be granted on reciprocity basis. Unless otherwise fee will be charged by the Airport and Aviation Services Ltd. Accordingly Missions should pay for the use of VIP Lounge. The fee structure could be obtained from the Airport and Aviation or the Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Important Telephone Numbers

Bandaranaike International Airport Reservation Office –+94112254993

Bandaranaike International Airport Duty Manager – +94112259394


Further Inquiries

Protocol Division

Tel        : +94112327048 /+94775616542

Fax       : +94112325346

Email    :

Hotline : +94772282725 (After office hours and Public holidays)

Web     :

Application for Use of VIP Lounge Facility

Request for approval for Duty Free Vehicles purchases
  1. Vehicles for official purposes of the  Diplomatic Mission and Diplomats
    1. Brand New Vehicles
      • Prior to import/purchase a brand new vehicle, a prior approval from the Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must be obtained
      • Completed Clearance Certificates should be submitted with shipping documents (Bill of Lading, Invoice etc), together with  engine number, chassis number etc.
      • Vehicle should not be left hand driven.
    2. Used vehicles
      • Prior to import/purchase a used vehicle, a prior approval from the Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must be obtained.
      • Export certificate or 1st registration certificate is required with the clearance certificate
      • Vehicle inspection certificate should be submitted to the  Controller General of Import & Export Control Department
      • Restrictions
        • Vehicle should not be more than 3 years old
        • Vehicle should not be left hand driven
        • Vehicle should not have tinted glasses
        • Motor cycles should not be more than 250cc
  2. Personal vehicles
    • Prior to the import/purchase personal vehicle, a prior approval from the Protocol Division of Ministry of Foreign Affairs must be obtained
    • Diplomats can purchase a vehicle within one year time of arrival
    • Non diplomatic staff of Diplomatic Missions and Experts attached to the international organizations is only entitled within the first six months from date of his or her arrival based on the reciprocity basis.
    • Vehicle should not be left hand driven

Limitation on the number of vehicles

  1. Official vehicles; there are no limitation, but number should commensurate with capacity and the function of the Mission.
  2. Diplomatic Officers; entitlement is for one vehicle.  
  3. Non Diplomatic Officers; only one duty free vehicle allowed to be purchased within six months from the date of arrival based on reciprocity basis.
  4. Foreign Experts ; If an approved certificate is lost or misplaced, the Mission should make an entry to the Police and forward that document to this Ministry

Disposal of Vehicles

  • Prior to the disposing a vehicle; a prior approval from the Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must be obtained. 
  • Methods of disposal
    1. Sale in the open market
    2. Re-exportation
    3. Transfer to a privileged person
    4. Transfer to a government institute
    5. Other methods (specially applicable to bullet proof/ballistic proof vehicles)
  • Sale in the open market
    • The vehicle should have been used for at least three (3) years from the date of importation.
    • Request should come through the Mission with the Certificate of Registration of the vehicle.
    • Protocol Division shall grant approval to sell a vehicle to the Director General/Public Finance or to a privileged person.  If decided to sell in the open market, then the request should be forwarded to the Director General, Public Finance in order to obtain a valuation.
    • After valuation is done by the Director General Public Finance, owner of the vehicle (i.e. Mission, Diplomat) should pay the relevant duties/taxes to Director General /Customs.
    • Request for sale: Should submit the duty payment receipts, the Director General/Public Finance’s duty value letter, and duty detail letter (originals with one set of duplicates).  If it is a DPL vehicle number plate should be returned to the Protocol Division.
    • Once the transfer is in order approval TPN/letter and the letter addressed to the Registration of Motor Vehicle (RMV) for transfer of the vehicle to its new owner can be issued.
  • Re-exportation
    • Prior to the Re-exportation a vehicle; a prior approval from the Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must be obtained.
    • Initial requests with the Certificate of Registration of the vehicle should be sent to the Protocol Division.
    • Approval is granted with a copy to the Director General Customs with recommendation for “A” “ B” facility and to Registration of Motor Vehicle for cancellation of the registration of the vehicle.
    • Number plate should be returned to the Registration of Motor Vehicle through the Protocol Division.
  • Transfer to a privilege person or to a Foreign Mission/Organization
    In order to grant approval for transfer of a motor vehicle,  following details should be provided to the Protocol Division
    • Initial request with all the details including prior approval form.
    • Seller’s details (with the request)
    • Buyer’s details (with the request).  If a diplomat reciprocity may apply
    • Non diplomat/Expert – should submit the arrival notice and a photocopy of the passport
      Remarks:DPL to DPL : No number changes for number plateNon DPL/Expert to DPL : Number plate should be changed to a DPL number plate and the old number plate should be returned to the Protocol Division
  • Transfer to a Government Institute
    • Prior to the transfer to a Government Institute a vehicle; a prior approval from the Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must be obtained. 
    • No restrictions after payment of relevant taxes and duties
    • If it is a DPL vehicle the number plate should be returned
    • If fitted with communication equipment it should be dismantled before the disposal according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (TRC).
  • Other methods
    • Dismantling/disposal of Light Amour plated vehicles (Bullet Resistant) cannot be transferred or sold.  They can be re-exported, or  handed over to the Government of Sri Lanka or disposed by destruction
    • De-registration of other vehicle (usual vehicles) may required to pay the customs duty accordance to the regulations of the Ministry of Finance and the method of disposal.
    • The dismantling/disposal of Bullet Resisting vehicle is required to pay the customs duty on Steel Scrap value.
      Disposal of vehicle in the sea required following procedure.
      • Protocol Division receives a formal request with the certificate of registration of the vehicle.
      • Protocol Division requests observations from the  Secretary of Defence
      • Protocol Division requests approval from the Chairman, Marine Pollution Prevention Authority (MPPA) and the Sri Lanka Navy.
      • Dismantle of amour plated vehicle is subjected to pay the customs duty on steel scrap value.
    • If the above is in order,
      • Final approval will be granted to the Mission for disposal.
      • The number plate should be handed over to the Registration of Motor Vehicle with copies to the Secretary of Defence, the Commissioner of Registration of Motor Vehicle (RMV).
      • If fitted with communication equipment, it should be dismantled before the disposal according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Defence and the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (TRC)
  • All the Missions are required to forward vehicle returns (both the staff and missions) by quarterly (March, June, September and December) with the updated information via email to and protocol@

Further Inquiries

Protocol Division

Tel        : +94112327048 /+947774180022

Fax       : +94112325346

Email    :

Hotline : +94772282725(After office hours and Public holidays)

Web     :

Request for Diplomatic Clearance for Foreign State/Military Aircrafts, ships, Weapons, Communication equipment ect…
Aircraft Clearance
  1. Requests for permission for overflying Sri Lankan territory or landing at a Sri Lankan airport or airbase by a Foreign State/Military aircraft should be made in the attached application form by the Diplomatic Missions to the Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by email at / Fax No. 0094-112327048.
  2. Duly filled application should be forwarded to the Protocol Division along with a Mission’s Note verbale 10 working days prior to the clearance is required.
  3. The validity of the Diplomatic clearance given will cover a period of 48 hours (02 days) grace period before or after the expected date of arrival of the aircraft as stated in the application.
  4. The application for Diplomatic clearance of the aircraft will be considered on the understanding that such aircraft does not carry nuclear weapons or any other dangerous cargo.
  5. The Ministry will notify the Mission concerned of its decision by a TPN/ email/fax and reserves the right to refuse clearance without stating reasons.
  6. The following aircrafts shall be exempted from the levy and charges
    1. Aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations when providing a free service
    2. Aircraft returning due to technical or metrological reasons
    3. Test flights undertaken or performed during any flight with the prior approval of the Director of Civil Aviation (Any flight undertaken solely for the purpose of ascertaining the serviceability in the air of the aircraft or equipment shall be deemed to be a test flight)
    4. Aircraft of Heads of State/ Government on a State/Official/ transit Visit
    5. Aircraft of the United Nations and its specialized Agencies
    6. Any other aircraft as may be exempted by the Director General/ Civil Aviation

Diplomatic Clearance for Ship

  1. Requests for permission for entry of the Foreign Military vessels within the territorial limits of Sri Lanka should be made in the application form by the Diplomatic Missions to the Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by email to or Fax No. 0094-112327048.
  2. Duly filled application should be forwarded to the Protocol Division along with a Mission’s Note verbale at least 10 working days before the clearance is required.
  3. In furnishing such particulars, reference to the vessel in question in internationally accepted Directories of vessel may be cited.
  4. The validity of the clearance given will cover a period of 48 hours (2 days) grace period before or after the expected date of arrival of the vessel as stated in the application.
  5. The Ministry will notify the Mission concerned of its decision by email/fax/TPN and reserves the right to refuse clearance without stating reasons.

Weapons /Communication equipment clearance

• Diplomatic Missions should submit the request through a TPN with following information ten working days (10) prior to the required date.

I. Name/s of the officer/s carrying weapons
II. Designation/s
III. Passport No/s
IV. Type of the firearm
V. Brand and Model of the Weapon/s
VI. Serial No of the weapon
VII. Diameter
VIII. No of Bullets

• Details of the Communication Equipment

I. Type of Radio
II. KHZ channel width
III. MHZ Frequency
IV. UHF Frequency
V. Declared Frequency
VI. Working Mode
VII. Type of Antenna
VIII. Calling name
IX. Intended purpose

• Requests from the States that do not have resident Missions in Colombo are forwarded to this Division through the Sri Lankan Missions abroad
• The GOSL clearance for carrying weapons will be issued to the relevant Mission/s through a TPN
• Weapons and Ammunitions should be handed over to the airline staff at the time of check-in
• The Mission/s should ensure that the weapons, ammunitions and communication equipment needed by the foreign delegations in the performance of their duties during specialized visits should be re-exported on the departure of the VVIP/VIP and inform the Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs accordingly

Further Inquiries

Protocol Division

Tel          : +94112327048 /+94772267917

Fax         : +94112325346

Email     :

Hotline : 0772282725(After office hours and Public holidays)

Web        :

Further Requirements

Protocol Division

Tel          : +94112327048

Fax         : +94112325346

Email     :

Hotline : +94772282725

Web        :

Application to obtain diplomatic clearance from the government of Sri Lanka for diplomatic flights intended to operate into Sri Lanka/ overfly Sri Lankan territory

Application to obtain diplomatic clearance from government of Sri Lanka for diplomatic vessels which are intended to operate into Sri Lankan waters

Instruction for the request to obtain Airport Access Permits and Application

  • The Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues 02 types of Airport Access Permits.
  1. Permanent Computerized Photo Access Permits
  2. Temporary Day Passes (To resident home base staff, their spouses and local staff)

  A. Permanent Computerized Photo Access Permits

  1. Each Diplomatic Mission in Colombo is entitled for four (04) “A” Category Permanent Computerized Photo Access Permits and four (04) “B” Category Permanent Computerized Photo Access Permits.
  2. International Organizations based in Colombo is entitled for Two (02) “A” Category Permanent Computerized Photo Access Permits.
  • A request for issuing or renewing a Permanent Airport Photo Access Pass should be submitted to the Chief of Protocol through a Third Party Note (Note Verbal) by the Mission/International Organization concerned.
  1. The Head of Mission/Authorized Officer of the Mission/International Organization should certify the application with the official stamp of the Mission/International Organization.
  2. Duly perfected applications should be submitted to the Protocol Division along with the copies of the passport, visa page of the passport and the copy of the Airport Access Permit issued to the predecessor. If a pass is requested for a local staff, a Police Report issued for the applicant should be attached to the application.
  3. The Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to convey the principle of reciprocity will be applied when determining the entitlement for Permanent Computerized Photo Access Permits for each category mentioned as follows.
  1. Category A: Permanent Computerized Photo Access Permits will be issued under the Category A, to the Head of Mission, spouse and diplomatic officers of the Mission on the request of the Mission.  “A” category passes are valid for 01 year period from its date of issue, and are renewable on the request of the Mission. “A” category passes grant access to the Apron (A), Arrival / Departure Customs, Immigration/Emigration (C), Office area/ New Admin. Building, Arrival / Departure Public Concourse (O), Transit, Pier (T), VIP Lounge (V), Cargo Village, UL Cargo/Import/Export (G) [ACOTVG].  However, G area is granted access only for the Head of Mission under this category.
  2. Category B: Permanent Computerized Photo Access Permits are issued under the categoryB” for Diplomatic, Non-diplomatic and Locally Recruited Staff (LR) on the request of the respective Mission.B” category passes are renewable and valid for 01 year period from its date of issue. “B” category passes grants access to the Arrival Customs, Departure Customs, Immigration/Emigration (C), Office area, Arrival Public Concourse, Departure Public Concourse (O), Transit, Pire (T), VIP Lounge (V) [COTV].
  3. Category C: Permanent Computerized Photo Access Permits are issued under the Category “C” for Diplomatic, Non-Diplomatic and Locally Recruited Staff on the request of the respective Mission. “C” category passes are renewable and valid for 01 year from its date of issue. C category passes grants access to the Arrival Customs, Departure Customs, Immigration/Emigration (C), Office Area, Arrival Public Concourse, Departure Public Concourse (O), VIP Lounge (V) [COV].
  •  “G” Area Access:  Access to the “G” area (Cargo Village / Terminal 1/2/3 / UL Cargo) could be included to above-mentioned categories on the request of the Mission. “G” area access could be given only to two persons of each Mission.

i. For renewals, in addition to the applicant of the above requirements should submit a copy of the Airport Photo Access Permit issued to the officer concerned, previously. The renewal of the Airport Access Permits by the Locally Recruited Staff required a Police Clearance Report and it should be forwarded along with the duly completed application form.

ii. Original Airport permits will be issued only after the return of the Expired Original Airport Permits tenure by the officer concerned or the predecessor/spouse to the Airport Authorities.

iii. Applicant should have a valid visa for the entire period of the requesting Permanent Airport Access Pass.

iv. The new application forms for Permanent Computerized Photo Access Permits will be issued to the Diplomatic Missions, the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies and International Organizations by the Protocol Division. Relevant applications can download by the following links.



B. Day Passes

All Diplomatic Missions in Colombo are entitled to apply for Airport Day Passes for the staff of the Mission attending official Protocol duties at the Airport. Day Passes are issued to the Mission’s staff only to attend official duties at the Airport. Day Passes are valid for the requested areas and request for Day Passes should be made to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before 05 working days of the official duty, and late submission will be rejected. Name and the Designation of the officers required the day pass and the Purpose should be indicated in the Diplomatic Note with required access areas of the airport.

Copy of Mission ID, Passport copy/National Identity card (for Local Staff) should submit with the request.

Stamp will be placed on the request of Airport Day Pass and it should be submit to the Day Pass Counter at the Airport

Further Inquiries

Protocol Division
Tel: +94112327048 /+94775616542
Fax: +94112325346
Email : / /
Hotline : +94772282725 (After office hours and Public holidays)
Web :

Request for Clearance for Duty-Free Goods/Services of Personal/Official
  1. Clearance certificates should be submitted to the Protocol Division in triplicate with following documents;
    1. Bill of Lading/Airway Bill
    2. Packing List or Invoice
    3. Copies of letters from the Ministry of Defence or/the Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment and the Department of Forest Conservation, the Department of Archaeology and the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) where it applicable.
  2. The Clearance Certificates should be properly filled by the relevant Mission/Organization in accordance with the following;
    1. The Bill of Lading/Airway Bill should clearly indicate the Consignee’s name or the name of the concerned person/or the Diplomatic Mission.
    2. Certificates should be filled according to the Airway Bill or Bill of Lading (Quantities should be indicated perfectly).
    3. If personal effects are imported, the consignee should place his/her signature on the right hand corner of the clearance certificate.
    4. The authorized officer of the Mission/ Agent should place his/her signature on the left hand corner of the clearance certificate.
    5. Three (3) officials, including the Head of Mission are authorized to sign the certificate as the authorizing officer (Specimen signatures should be submitted to the Protocol Division at the beginning of each year)or periodically where applicable.
    6. Detailed description of the articles of the consignment should be indicated
    7. Value of the consignment should be indicated in the clearance certificate.
    8. When goods are purchased from authorized Duty Free Shops locally  , invoices should be submitted with the Certificate of Clearance.
    9. For Non-Diplomatic personnel a Certificate of Clearance can be submitted within six months from their first date of arrival.  After the 06 months period the officer is not entitled to any local purchase or importation on a duty free basis.
    10. For diplomatic personnel there is no such constraints as stated in ( i )
    11. For International Experts who work in UN Agencies and other International Organizations consumable items can be purchased locally from authorized Duty Free Shops in Sri Lanka subject to the following limitations:
      Unmarried officer :USD 175 per month
      Married officer:USD 250 per month
    12. Importation of fresh fruits by air freight is strictly prohibited according to the Customs Regulations, but fresh fruits can be imported through sea freights with the prior approval from the National Plant Quarantine Service.
    13. When importing plants, seeds or any other part relating to plants, prior approval should be obtained from the National Plant Quarantine Service and Certificate of Clearance should be submitted with the approval.
    14. Telecommunication equipment, or security equipment can only be imported with prior approvals from the Ministry of Defence(MoD) and the telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC)
    15. When importing pet animals (cats, dogs, birds and etc) prior approval should be obtained from the Department of Animal Protection,  Peradeniya and Certificate of Clearance should be submitted with the approval
    16. Items of archaeological value obtained /purchased within Sri Lanka are not permitted to be exported without the permission of the Department of Archaeology.
    17. Customs Clearance for export of furniture and other forestry products will be granted only on receipt of the permit issued by the Department of Forest Conservation, Sri Lanka. In order to issue such certificates, the Department of Forest Conservation will carry out an inspection of the items intended for export.

Customs Clearance Facilities

  • The officers who complete tenure (at least a 6 month period) in Sri Lanka can re-export their personal belongings to their respective countries by sea or air  with the approval granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Diplomatic Officers and Heads of UN Representation, and its Specialized Agencies/Inter Governmental Organizations are entitle for “A” facility under which the consignment of goods imported or/exported are not customarily inspected by the Department of Customs. However, the Department of Customs has the authority to carry out inspection of such consignments of the above category, if they suspect that a consignment consists of goods which are prohibited in Sri Lanka or “not meant for the official use of the Mission or for the personal use of an officer” (Article 36 of the Vienna Convention) or cannot be exported (Eg. Antiques). Such an inspection of the consignment will be carried out in the Customs warehouse or in the Mission premises in the presence of the consignee or the agent appointed by him.B facility will be given for Non Diplomatic Officers and UN Representation and its Specialized Agencies/Inter Governmental Organizations. The consignment of goods imported/exported under this category is subjected to inspection by the Department of Customs.Following documents should be forwarded with a TPN;

a)Packing list

b)Approval from the Department of Forest conservation for importation of wooden items

Note:The Honorary Consuls in Sri Lanka are not privileged to purchase any duty free items.

Further Inquiries

Protocol Division

Tel        : +94112327048 /+94777368617

Fax       : +94112325346

Email    :

Hotline : +94772282725(After office hours and Public holidays)

Other Important Contact details:

  1. National Plant Quarantine Service –
  • Seed certification & Plant protection centre, Gannoruwa ,Peredeniya: +9481-2384226                +9481-2388044
  • National Plant Quarantine Service, Mithrathwa Waththa, Katunayake: +9411-2252028
  1. Department of Animal Production & Health :+9411-2695255
  2. Department of Forest Conservation :+94112866616
  3. Telecommunications Regulatory Commission :+94112689345
  4. Department of Archaeology :+94112695255
  5. Ministry of Defense :+94112430860,+94112324801   
Request for Identity Cards for Diplomats, UN Agencies and Honorary Consuls
  1. Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues identification cards to resident home based staff and their spouses (Diplomatic, non-Diplomatic, Foreign Experts, UN personnel & Honorary Consuls)
  2. The applications should be made together with two photographs (25mm with x 37mm) in a red background, with photocopies of the photo page and the visa pages (entry and residence visa) of his or her passport.
  3. The Head of Mission or an authorized officer of the Mission should certify the application with the official stamp of the Mission.
  4. A Police Report should be obtained immediately upon loss of any Identity Card issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A new Identity Card will be issued only after one month from the date of receipt of the Police Report.
  5. For renewal of an Identity Card, the current one should be returned along with the duly filled application. (Following the procedure explained at 2 and 3).
  6. Identity Cards for successor and his or her spouse will be issued only after the return of the Identity Cards of the predecessor and the spouse to the Protocol Division on completion of the tour of duty at the Mission.
  7. When applying Identity Cards, the applicant should have valid visa for period of six month ahead.
  8. Identity Card may issue within 15 working days.

Note:  The Ministry will issue a diplomatic ID card to Non Resident Head of Mission accredited to Sri Lanka on Reciprocal basis.

The last date of the submission of completed documents will be considered as the submission.

Further Inquiries

Protocol Division

Tel        : +94112327048 /+94772267939

Fax       : 0112325346

Email    :

Hotline : +94772282725(After office hours and Public holidays)

Web     :

Application for Identity Cards for Honorary Consuls

Application for Identity Cards for Honorary Consuls(02)

Application for Identity Cards for Diplomatic and Non-Diplomatic Staff UN Personnel and Foreign Experts

Application for Identity Cards for Diplomatic and Non-Diplomatic Staff UN Personnel and Foreign Experts-(form no.02)
