Promoting the best of Ceylon Cinnamon, Black Pepper and Sri Lankan Spices in Jordan

Promoting the best of Ceylon Cinnamon, Black Pepper and Sri Lankan Spices in Jordan


As part of the Sri Lanka Embassy’s promotional drive in Jordan to disseminate information on the value of Sri Lankan agricultural commodities such as pure Ceylon Cinnamon, Sri Lankan black pepper which has a higher piperine content and cardamom, the Sri Lanka Embassy in partnership with the “Family Flavours” magazine hosted a Sri Lankan cookery demonstration on 23 September 2020 at the Chancery premises with talented Sri Lankan Chef Tharaka Jayasekara, from the Intercontinental hotel in Amman.

Ambassador Shanika Dissanayake explained the benefits of using Sri Lankan spices in everyday cuisine as pure Ceylon Cinnamon is especially excellent for overall health and wellbeing.

Clinical Dietician Ayah Murad from the “Family Flavours” magazine which will promote Sri Lankan spices on their Youtube channel in the Arabic language, expounded on the many health benefits of Ceylon cinnamon and the other Sri Lankan spices.

The “Born in Sri Lanka” Logo for Ceylon Spices created by the Sri Lanka Export Development Board to secure the Geographical indication and brand rights for Sri Lankan spices was also given publicity during the Cookery demonstration.

The “Family Flavours” magazine which covered the Embassy’s promotional event in its October 2020 issue and its sister magazine in the Arabic language “Nakahat Ailiyeh” are both monthly publications with a wide circulation in Jordan.

Embassy of Sri Lanka


26 October 2020

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