President Rajapaksa stresses importance of the message of the Buddha at Vesak events at UNESCO

President Rajapaksa stresses importance of the message of the Buddha at Vesak events at UNESCO


President Mahinda Rajapaksa joined the events organized by the Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO to mark Vesak via a special video message in which he emphasized the teachings of the Buddha and other religions and their importance.


President Mahinda Rajapaksa joined the events organized by the Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO to mark Vesak via a special video message in which he emphasized the teachings of the Buddha and other religions and their importance.


In this special video message, President Rajapaksa said that “ this symposium on the theme ‘Buddhism and Inter-Faith Dialogue: Reconciliation through Education’ lays importance on the teachings of the Buddha, this light of Asia, in thinking and guidance. It also reflects the teachings of other great religions in Asia, all of which are practiced freely in Sri Lanka .”

Referring to Sri Lanka, the President added that “ In a nation that has been enriched by the teachings and values of Buddha, we see the importance of religion to achieve peace, harmony, protect nature and the environment and improve the life of our people and society .”

Focusing on the outcome of the landmark event at UNESCO, which was one of the main highlights of the events organized to commemorate Vesak, President Rajapaksa was of the opinion that “ this symposium and related events organized by Sri Lanka’s Permanent Delegation to UNESCO will contribute much to spread a message of tolerance and compassion needed so much by a world so full of conflict .”

In concluding his remarks the President quoted the Dhammapada , in saying

“Pare ca na vijananti
mayamettha yamamase
ye ca tattha vijananti
tato sammanto medhaga”

which translates “ People, other than the wise, do not realize, that man is mortal, and not realizing it, continue their quarrels. The wise realize it and thereby their quarrels cease .”

The events organized by the Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO included religious observances at the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Paris as well as at UNESCO, a main symposium, a session on meditation, a special lecture, a special Vesak Concert, the offering of alms to the Maha Sangha on the day before Vesak and Vesak day itself, as well as a series of panel discussions on the theme of “Buddhism and inter-faith dialogue”

Senior personalities from the UNESCO Secretariat, Ambassadors, Permanent Delegates, diplomats and representatives from around the world including nearly 400 delegates from across Asia, who flew to Paris to participate at these events, made up the large and distinguished gathering that attended the commemoration of Vesak at UNESCO.

Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO

31 st May 2013

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