President attends Vesak celebrations in Rome

President attends Vesak celebrations in Rome


President Mahinda Rajapaksa attended Vesak celebrations at the FAO Headquarters
in Rome on Thursday as the Special Guest. The event was attended by chief Buddhist monks in Italy,
FAO Director General Jos Graziano da Silva, diplomatic community and Buddhists living in Rome.
The monks wished the President well and chanted Jaya Piritha to invoke blessings on the President.
Picture by Sudath Silva

President Mahinda Rajapaksa attended Vesak celebrations held at the FAO Headquarters in Rome on Thursday as the Special Guest.

The event was attended by chief Buddhist monks in Italy, Director General of FAO José Graziano da Silva, members of the diplomatic community and Buddhists living in Rome.

Buddhists in Rome extended a warm welcome to President Mahinda Rajapaksa who is a widely accepted Buddhist leader in the world.

Ambassador of Thailand in Rome Surapit Kiriputra in his speech made special mention of President Rajapaksa's recent visit to Thailand to attend the 2,600th Sambuddathva Jayanthi celebrations and the speech delivered by the President on Buddhism.

Ven. Molligoda Dheerananda Thera, Chief Incumbent of the Rome Buddhist Vihara said it was a significant day that Vesak was celebrated in Rome since it coincided with the President's 42nd anniversary of entering Parliament.

The monks wished the President well and chanted Jaya Piritha to invoke blessings on the President.

Earlier, President Mahinda Rajapaksa was received by the Director General of FAO Jose Grazino da Silva at the FAO Head Quarters. A brief meeting was held between President Rajapaksa and his delegation and the FAO Director General.

Source: Daily News, 9 June 2012

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