Minister Alahapperuma leads Plenary Discussion on the World Conference on Youth in Vienna – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Employment & Tourism

Minister Alahapperuma leads Plenary Discussion on the World Conference on Youth in Vienna

Minister Alahapperuma leads Plenary Discussion on the World Conference on Youth in Vienna

Delivering the Opening Statement at the Plenary Discussion Forum at the United Nations in Vienna on 4th April 2014, Minister of Youth Affairs & Skills Development, Hon. Dullas Alahapperuma highlighted the importance of skills development and building of entrepreneurial capacities of youth in order to effectively contribute to inclusive and sustainable development. Participation of youth and integration of their needs and priorities into programmes and policies at all levels were critical to achieving eradication of poverty, decent employment for youth, and economic advancement, the Minister stressed.


 Hon.  Dullas Alahapperuma, Minister of Youth Affairs & Skills Development
 delivering the Opening Address at the Plenary Discussion Forum at the United Nations, Vienna.

He made these remarks, addressing a large gathering of Ambassadors, delegates, and representatives of international organisations in Vienna on the theme, of “Mainstreaming of Youth in the Post-2015 Development Agenda” ahead of the World Conference on Youth to be hosted by Sri Lanka from 6-10 May 2014.

minister chairing panel discussion

Hon. Dullas Alahapperuma, Minister of Youth Affairs & Skills Development
Chairing the Panel Discussion on “Mainstreaming Youth in the Post 2015 Development Agenda.”

The UNIDO Director General LI Yong, delivering a Special Address, expressed confidence that the World Conference on Youth in Sri Lanka would provide a valuable and inclusive platform for inter-generational dialogue. Welcoming the theme of the upcoming World Conference, he recalled the relevance of Lima Declaration “Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development” and urged countries to do more to enable youth to realize their full potential, including through a strong emphasis on youth entrepreneurship.

Later in the day, at a separate meeting with Minister Alahapperuma, Director General LI Yong assured the support of UNIDO for the success of the World Conference on Youth.

minister with dg unido Hon. Dullas Alahapperuma, Minister of Youth Affairs & Skills Development
with Mr. LI Yong, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)

Dr. Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary to the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO), who warmly received the Minister in his office, praised Sri Lanka’s efforts in engaging youth in disaster prevention and mitigation activities, which he said was also a focus of the work of the CTBTO. In this context, he welcomed the potential opportunity of the World Conference on Youth for promoting the benefits of civil and scientific applications of the treaty, for enhancing youth participation and capacity building of youth.

The Minister extended an invitation to both Director General LI Yong and Executive Secretary Zerbo to participate in the World Conference on Youth in Sri Lanka.

sri lanka-ctbtoHon. Dullas Alahapperuma, Minister of Youth Affairs & Skills Development
with Dr. Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary of the CTBTO

As the main highlight of the Plenary Forum, a panel discussion followed, chaired by Minister Alahapperuma, which covered the different strands of the overarching theme of the World Conference on Youth. The Panel comprised HRH Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol of Thailand; Ambassador Ana Teresa Dengo, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica; Ambassador Khaled Shamaa, Permanent Representative of Egypt; Dr. Mohd. Lamine Dhaoui, Director in the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Ms. Gillian Murray, Deputy Director and Focal Point for Youth Issues in the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and Dr. Janez Padobnik, Acting Director General of the International Centre for the Promotion of Enterprises (ICPE).

The Panellists reflected on the multiple factors bearing upon effective youth participation and youth empowerment. Identifying, among others, education, training and guidance towards youth entrepreneurship, inclusive youth development, encouragement and support for young women in entrepreneurship, decent employment for youth, the panellists stressed the need for addressing these factors holistically in the World Conference on Youth in Colombo in the lead-up to the preparation for the new Development Agenda. Developing and expanding value chains was underlined as essential for creating opportunities of employment for youth and for contributing to equitable economic growth. The importance of South-South Cooperation in youth entrepreneurship and vocational training, specially focussing on less developed countries, was also stressed, as was the potential leadership of Sri Lanka in this arena.  

During the interactive discussion that ensued, delegations expressed strong appreciation for Sri Lanka’s initiative in hosting the World Conference on Youth, reiterating the commitment of their governments towards addressing youth concerns, especially empowerment of youth through appropriate education, including technical and vocational skills, and entrepreneurship.

The Opening Session of the Plenary Discussion Forum was presided over by Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka Ambassador A.L.A. Azeez, Chair of the G 77 and China. The valedictory remarks were made by Ambassador Rachmat Budiman, Permanent Representative of Indonesia.

During his visit to Vienna, Minister Alahapperuma also apprised senior Austrian officials of Sri Lanka’s achievements in the field of youth empowerment. Dr. Walter Rosenkranz, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Education, which addresses youth issues, and Minister Alahapperuma discussed arrangements for the World Conference on Youth and potential areas of bilateral cooperation on youth development issues. Dr. Rosenkranz indicated support for building capacity among youth in Sri Lanka in the areas of tourism and technical education at tertiary level and vocational training, and suggested the possibility of a delegation from Austria to visit Sri Lanka in the near future.

The Minister also met with representatives of accredited countries including Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovak Republic and Slovenia at a working dinner on 04th April 2014. Permanent Representatives of countries from all regions had attended the briefing at a Lunch Reception held in honour of Minister Alahapperum at the UN in Vienna    

The Minister of Youth Affairs and Skills Development was accompanied during these discussions by Mr. Lalith Piyum Perera, Chairman of the National Youth Services Council of Sri Lanka and Ms. Savitri Panabokke, Minister and Mr. Nawodh Hennayake, Second Secretary of the Sri Lanka Mission in Vienna in addition to Ambassador Azeez.


Embassy & Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka
05th April 2014


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