The Fourth Review Conference of the States Parties to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention was held in Oslo from 25-29 November 2019. More than 600 representatives from state parties, observer countries and civil society were present at the conference. The delegation from Sri Lanka comprised Ambassador A.L.A. Azeez, Ambassador Arusha Cooray, Second Secretary Samanmali Atalugama and Deputy Director National Mine Action Centre Jeladeepan.
A general statement and statement under International Cooperation and Assistance were delivered by Ambassador Azeez and one under Gender by Jeladeepan. Ambassador Azeez and Mrs Jeladeepan congratulated the President of the Mine Ban Treaty and Norway for the effective leadership given to the review process. Ambassador Azeez stated that through sustained national efforts at mine risk education, Sri Lanka had succeeded in bringing civilian casualties of landmines to zero by 2018 and was next in line to achieving mine-free status.