Housing complexes at Wanathamulla declared open

Housing complexes at Wanathamulla declared open


Wednesday, 28th October 2014

Each family is required to make an initial payment of rupees 50,000 and a payment of rupees one million over a period of 20 years

Two housing complexes in Wanathamulla constructed to house 1148 low-income families were declared open yesterday.

 The families that were originally living in Wanathamulla in dilapidated huts were given new housing units at these two complexes.In addition the families who were living in the land adjoining the railway line in Castle Street Borella and the banks of St. Sebastian Canal were also relocated in these housing complexes.

The two complexes Nethsara Uyana and Sirisara Uyana have a total of 1148 housing units, a community hall and 30 shops for residents who prior to being relocated had conducted various businesses in the area. Measures are also being taken to construct a children’s playground.

Each housing unit consists of a living area, two bedrooms, pantry and a balcony with all amenities including sanitary facilities.

Each family is required to make an initial payment of rupees 50,000 and a payment of rupees one million over a period of 20 years. The initial payment of rupees 50,000 collected from each family will be utilised for maintenance.

Lakmuthu Sevana in Mayura Place in Wellawatte and Siri Sada Uyana in Cyril C. Perera Mawatha in Colombo North were declared open earlier this month.

A housing complex at Mattakkuliya consisting of 1136 housing units will be the largest housing complex and will be declared open in a few weeks time.

These projects were undertaken by theUDAinitsmid-termprogrammes under the guidance of the Secretary Defence and Urban Development.

From : http://epaper.dailymirror.lk/epaper/viewer.aspx

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