Creating Awareness of Sri Lankan Government’s Development Agenda in Guangdong, China – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Employment & Tourism

Creating Awareness of Sri Lankan Government’s Development Agenda in Guangdong, China

Creating Awareness of Sri Lankan Government’s Development Agenda in Guangdong, China


The 66th Independence Day anniversary of Sri Lanka was celebrated at a reception organized by the Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Guangzhou on 21 February 2014 at the Redtory, Guangzhou’s premier arts space. The event was testimony to Sri Lanka’s rich cultural heritage.


The audience was given a chance to understand unprecedented developments taking place in Sri Lanka under the leadership of H.E. President Mahinda Rajapaksa. On this occasion, Consul General Yasoja Gunasekera highlighted in her speech that Sri Lanka is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, which is expected to grow by 7.8 % this year and expand to 8.5% in 2016; the Sri Lankan government is in the process of transforming Sri Lanka into a knowledge; commercial; naval; aviation and energy hub and has launched an aggressive program of physical infrastructure development to completely upgrade the sea, air, road, power and telecom backbone of the country; economic development is being brought to rural areas and that a major work programme of the Government of Sri Lanka has comprised post-conflict re-construction and reconciliation.

A large number of Chinese Government officials from accredited provinces and municipalities, Consuls General, Sri Lankan community members, business leaders and members of the media attended the event. Unique Sri Lankan features such as the playing of the Magul Bera and the lighting of the ceremonial lamp were appreciated by attendees. Sri Lankan tea was promoted at the event, with vintage teas partnering the Consulate General. Guests had a chance to enjoy beautiful photographs of Sri Lanka’s 8 UNESCO world heritage sites and enjoy traditional Sri Lankan sweet meats, yellow rice and kiribath amongst other refreshments provided.

Consulate General of Sri Lanka,


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