Commencement of First Working Day, Year – 2020

Commencement of First Working Day, Year – 2020


The first working day of the year 2020 was commenced at an official ceremony held on 01 January 2020 at the premises of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Yangon under the auspices of Ambassador, Nandimithra Ekanayake with the participation of members of all the staff.

The National Flag was hoisted by the Ambassador at the auspicious time while reciting the National Anthem.  Two minutes silence was observed to commemorate the war heroes who sacrificed their lives to safeguard the motherland.  The Oath of public servants was read in English language and it was also translated into Burmese language for the convenience of the local staff members of the Embassy.

Delivering a brief speech, the Ambassador Ekanayake highlighted the importance of this year to work hard changing attitudes in our minds by all of us to achieve countries targets for the vast economical development in the country on theme of the year in regard to the policy statement of the President “Vistas  of prosperity and splendor”.



Embassy of Sri Lanka



01 January 2020






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