Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) in collaboration with the Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Dubai organized a Country Pavilion at GITEX 2012. This year, 10 Sri Lankan software companies exhibited their software solutions at GITEX Technology Week held in Dubai World Trade Centre from October 14-18, 2012.
Mission News
Ambassador Dr. Palitha Kohona visits Utah as Guest of the State Government
Ambassador Dr.PalithaKohona, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations visited Utah State as the guest of the Utah State Government and the Utah Valley University (UVU).
He addressed the UVU international relations class on "Sri Lanka Looks Ahead - Winning the Peace" and fielded a range of questions from a packed auditorium on Sri Lanka's reconstruction and reconciliation process. There was considerable sympathetic interest demonstrated in Sri Lanka’s success in defeating a ruthless terrorist group and its reconstruction and reconciliation efforts. The University conferred a Honorary Professorship on Dr. Kohona.
Sri Lanka Delegation attends Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly in Quebec City, Canada
The 127th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly was held in Quebec City, Canada from 21st to 26th October 2012. The IPU is an International Organization of Parliamentarians of Sovereign States established in 1889 and, is the focal point for Parliamentarians worldwide to discuss current international issues and a forum to work towards peace and cooperation and, for the maintenance of representative democracy.
SL Embassy in Jordan organizes an all night Pirith ceremony
An all night Pirith ceremony was organized for the first time in Jordan by the Sri Lanka Embassy in Jordan to bless and protect all living beings. A large number of Sri Lankans living in Jordan had participated in t ...
Ambassador designate of Sri Lanka presents Credentials to the King of Norway
Ambassador-designate of Sri Lanka to the Kingdom of Norway, Musthafa Mohamed Jaffeer, presented his credentials to the King of Norway, His Majesty Harald V on 01st November 2012 in Oslo at a solemn ceremony.
Hambantota District-Chamber-of-Commerce-Visits-UK
A 15-member delegation from the Hambantota District Chamber of Commerce on its recent visit to the UK had an interactive dialogue with sections of the Sri Lankan community here to build trade and commercial links and explore technology transfer.
Major General Hathurusinghe and Ambassador Kongahage at the 2nd International Symposium on CBRN
Major General M.Hathurusinghe, Commander Security Forces Jaffna, Sri Lanka Army and H.E the Ambassador Sarrath Kongahage participated at the 2nd International Symposium on protection against the effect of chemical, biol ...