Mission News

Czech Republic – Sri Lanka Joint Communiqué


1.         On the invitation of Hon. Martin Kuba, Minister of Industry & Trade of the Czech Republic, Minister of Economic Development of Sri Lanka Hon. Basil Rajapaksaa visited the Czech Republic from 27th – 31st March 2013. Minister of Environment and Renewable Energy of Sri Lanka, Hon. Susil Premajayantha, also took part in the visit.

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Ambassador Aryasinha thanks countries that stood by Sri Lanka

Says vote a rare moment of solidarity in re-constituted HRC for those who continue to believe in principle

Sri Lanka's Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha has said Thursdays vote on Sri Lanka in the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC), had provided a rare moment of solidarity for countries that continued to believe in principle, to stand up and be counted, at a time the composition of the HRC is heavily weighted in favour of Western powers, and Bangladesh, China, Cuba, Djibouti, Jordan, Russia and Saudi Arabia who resisted action against Sri Lanka in 2012, were no longer members of the HRC. Ambassador Aryasinha said the Government of Sri Lanka was deeply grateful to the countries that stood by Sri Lanka this year - by voting against, abstaining and absenting themselves, and also helping in lobbying for support, thereby resisting this resolution, which was both deeply intrusive, as well as precedent setting.

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Bilateral relations on a strong footing − Sri Lankan Ambassador presents Credentials in Cuba


Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Cuba, Sarath Dissanayake presented Credentials on 21st March at the Palace of Revolution in Havana to the Deputy President of the Council of State of Cuba, Madam Gladys Maria Bejerano Portela who was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Eduardo Rodriguez Parrilla. For the presentation, Ambassador Dissanayake together with his wife and Attache, Anuruddha left the official residence in a ceremonial motorcade accompanied by Ambassador Luis Castillo Campos of the Protocol Division of the Foreign Ministry and Major Braulio Hernandez Martinez of the Revolution Palace.

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