Canada Is Playing Politics In C’wealth, Says Lanka

Canada Is Playing Politics In C’wealth, Says Lanka



Sri Lanka yesterday charged that the Canadian Government had sought to use its voluntary funds for the Commonwealth Organisation as a political


tool based on the dictates of electoral compulsions, thereby holding the membership of the wider Commonwealth to ransom through competing claims for power.


The External Affairs Ministry in a statement in response to Canada’s suspension of voluntary Commonwealth funds said this action was at variance with the underlying spirit of the Commonwealth as a voluntary Organization of sovereign nations, with diversity being its hallmark

It was mentioned that Canada was considering the rationalisation of their contributions to international organisations including the Commonwealth


“This announcement is not a surprise. It may be recalled that when the Canadian Prime Minister announced his non-attendance at the 2013 CHOGM in Colombo, he also alluded to the issue of cutting back his Government’s contributions to the Commonwealth,” the Ministry said.


Further, during conversation with a Canadian Government representative in Sri Lanka over a year ago it was mentioned that Canada was considering the rationalisation of its contributions to international organisations including the Commonwealth. When Sri Lanka was to assume Chairmanship of the Commonwealth, the Canadian Government sought to make their reservations in this regard as the reason for the cut.

Concern has been expressed amongst the wider Commonwealth that the countries which provide the majority of the finances seek to unduly influence the working of the Organisation.

This action by Canada stands in evidence of such machinations.


Further, the relentless action pursued by Canada on Sri Lanka would only seek to undermine the delicate reconciliation process, as the bona fides of the basis of that Government’s trajectory is questionable and not in tandem with the interests of the people of Sri Lanka. It is the GoSL which is best placed to continue the evolution of a home-grown solution for its people in accordance with a realistic time frame.


Sri Lanka upholds Commonwealth values and has never sought their change. Baird’s comment in justifying Canada’s action is a castigation of the organisation as a whole and believe that the wider Commonwealth stands in solidarity against such manipulations.



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