Can he tell his elbow from his …. ?

Can he tell his elbow from his …. ?



Friday, 16th May 2014

The NGO world’s frontline charlatan Jehan Perera it seems is also the NGO world’s -- or indeed the world’s -- most embarrassing ignoramus. In a response to our recent editorial he conflates the American Civil War which was fought in the 19th century and the American Revolutionary War which was fought around a hundred years before that.

Despite our saying that there were two civil wars fought in the US -- we doubt at this time that Jehan Perera understands in his current state of mental incapacity the meaning of the word ‘two’/deka, or 2... -- this NGO blunderbuss goes on to conflate the two wars trying to derive god knows what lesson from the very distinctly separate historical events.

What can be said about somebody who mixes up the two most noteworthy historical events in the US -- the Revolutionary War that led to the creation of the United States as we know the country, and the Civil War which was fought against the Confederate States that seceded?

Perera has to be prodded with a curling iron and told that these two wars were fought almost a hundred years apart. Which University did he go to NOT know that? Why doesn’t he first learn the basics of American history instead of hysterically attempting to conflate two separate events in the narrative past of that nation?

Those whom the gods destroy they fist make mad, a wise man said. But this man was not only made a batty old weasel, but also apparently made to be born ignorant. It is advisable to have pity on the irredeemably ignorant and state at the outset that they should go and learn the fundamental lessons of history. Perhaps then they may be able to cross swords with adults that engage in civilized discourse.

This mixing up of two wars in two separate periods in the history of the United States of America is a sign that one may be educated in America, as Perera is supposed to be, but not know the rudiments of that country’s history. We are prepared however to teach the embarrassingly ignorant their basic lessons.

Perera, there were two wars fought in the US. One was fought from 1775 to 1783. The other was fought from 1861-64.

At the end of both these wars in which American citizens fought American citizens, there were celebrations and that is a sign that in the US, both civil war victories are celebrated.

Why are both wars classed as civil wars?

It is because in both wars Americans died fighting Americans. Only one of these, Perera, may be commonly referred to in the history books as the Civil War. That is because it is difficult to have two wars being named ‘civil wars’ and not confuse simpletons such as Perera, who conflate the wars anyway even if they are known now for obvious reasons by two separate names, the Civil War and the Revolutionary War. We advice Perera and the NPC Governing Council to get this matter rectified before attempting any more argument connected with this issue.

Civil war victories have been celebrated all over the world. Both civil war victories, the one fought for under Lincoln’s presidency, and the other fought against British loyalists subjects in the US are celebrated or were at least celebrated once upon a time as Mr HLD Mahindapala states in his contribution on the opposite page today.

To re-emphasize what was said in our editorial of the day before yesterday: ‘Americans fought Americans in the American Revolutionary War except that one side was comprised of loyalists who fought out of loyalty to the British Empire. So when the wooly headed simpletons of the National Peace Council say that no country celebrates a Civil War they are either saying that 4th of July does not mark a celebration or that the United States of America is not a respectable country, which opinion of course they are entitled to if they really want to believe in it.’

The NPC also in response states that Lincoln’s Gettysburg address was not triumphalist. It was under Lincoln’s presidency that the celebrations that Mahindapala proves happened with photographs on the opposite page, took place, and enough therefore is said about triumphalism or the lack of it during Lincoln’s tenure as President.

The NPC also states that the Americans did not celebrate Osama Bin Laden’s death.

No they gloated over it. President Obama was shown witnessing the operation himself in the Oval Office, and then he never missed an opportunity to mention it triumphantly in his election speeches. This was to the background noise of his fellow citizens screeching “USA USA” and chugging beer opposite the White House lawn, all under Obama’s watch. Has this weasel JP forgotten all this or in his monumental ignorance has he mistaken Osama Bin Laden for Mr. Obama’s aunt Zeituni Oniyango who died of natural causes recently? Can Jehan Perera tell his elbow from one of his unmentionable bodily orifices these days? 

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