Breakfast Meeting in the Aftermath of the Easter Sunday Attacks

Breakfast Meeting in the Aftermath of the Easter Sunday Attacks


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The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Oslo held a breakfast meeting, which coincided with the visit of Mr. Merril Fernando, a winner of  the Business for Peace Award in Oslo in 2015, awarded to exceptional individuals who exemplify the Business for Peace Foundation’s concept of creating businesses not only of economic value but  also creates value for society.

The event was attended by those who represented airlines, travel companies, travel writers, Ambassadors and others. Ambassador Arusha Cooray highlighted the efforts made by the government, to improve the security of the country and measures that had been taken by the government, to promote the tourist industry in the aftermath of the Easter Sunday bomb attacks. Mr. Dilhan and Mr Malik Fernando gave presentations on the Dilmah resorts and the work that the Dilmah Charitable Foundation and Dilmah Conservation were undertaking. Mr. Merril Fernando spoke of the Dilmah story and the values on which the company was founded.




Embassy of Sri Lanka
27 May 2019
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