‘Asian youth need to be galvanized into action’

‘Asian youth need to be galvanized into action’


Tuesday 23rd September 2014

By Ishara Mudugamawa


The youth of Asia need to be galvanized into action with a common strategy to resolve major issues that challenge the well-being of the youth, said MP Namal Rajapaksa.

He was delivering the inaugural speech at the third meeting of the ICAPP youth wing at the the BMICH on Friday. ICAPP Youth Wing on Young Politicians’ Role in Building an Asian Community was chaired by MP Namal Rajapaksa.

He highlighted the importance of strengthening bonds and links among youth and setting up of structures and institutions to emphasize the young politicians’ role in building an Asian community.

The main purpose of ICAPP Youth Wing meetings is to strengthen the triple Cs of Cooperation, Coordination and Communication among young political leaders of Asia to enable them to face challenges.

“We see the need to address the political, economic and sociocultural issues that affect Asian youth and make clear our commitment to ensure the participation of young people in overcoming the challenges of today and achieve internationally agreed development goals for youth where Asia can make a major contribution in what is fast emerging as the Asian Century,” MP Rajapaksa said.

He said the demands of today’s youth are such that it is necessary to think beyond the UN Millennium Development Goals in the cause of youth as in other areas of progress.

“We need to realize a common strategy to resolve major issues of poverty, violence, crime, inequality, sexuality and related issues that arise from social and economic conditions as well as backward thinking that tends to impede the progress of societies in general and youth in particular. In keeping with the primary objectives of ICAPP that seek to promote exchanges and cooperation between political parties, to mobilize young political leaders in Asia, it is imperative to cultivate leadership and other capabilities of our youth, both men and women to be the next leaders of our continent, Asia,” he said.

“Participation of youth, with their creative and innovative capabilities and genius is a must to make effective contributions to advance education, healthcare and opportunities for expanded technology to increase employment all of which can take us to the reality and splendor of the Asian Century,” he said.

MP Rajapaksa urged young political leaders of Asia to be fully conscious of the dramatic developments taking place in some parts of the Asian continent that tend to distract the attention of the youth and the world from the actual demands and needs of youth.

“We must not dissipate the energies of our youth in these destructive campaigns or confrontations. It is necessary to proceed on a path that does not abandon the history, culture and traditions of our people as we embrace what is best in modern thinking, innovation and new technology. Let us give our best to Build an Asian community and show all of Asia, and the world the true role and the capability of young politicians, in building this Asian community. Let us unite to protect, preserve and make progress in our great inheritance, the age of Asia,” he said. 

From: Daily News http://www.dailynews.lk/?q=local/asian-youth-need-be-galvanized-action

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