Meetings in Sydney to Promote Sri Lanka-Australia Links

Meetings in Sydney to Promote Sri Lanka-Australia Links

Sri Lanka High Commissioner in Australia Chitrangani Wagiswara paid an official call on the  Minister for Multiculturalism, Small Business, Lands and Property and Sport of New South Wales (NSW) Steve Kamper on 7 November 2023 at his office.

The minister spoke of the large number of Sri Lankan expatriates who have made their mark in NSW and noted that most of the Sri Lankans are very well educated and well integrated into the Australian Society. The minister has been closely involved with most of the activities which are organized by  Sri Lankan associations in Sydney. The High Commissioner stated that she was pleased to note the encouraging sentiments expressed by the minister.

The two sides discussed avenues for further cooperation and the need for the State government’s assistance in promoting links between Australia and Sri Lanka especially in the trade sector.  It was agreed that the High Commission and the State Minister’s Office would keep in close contact to facilitate and promote further links that would be mutually beneficial.

During the visit to Sydney, the President of the Sri Lanka Australia Chamber of Commerce Kalum de Silva organised a Business Round Table on 8 November 2023. Members from the Australia-Sri Lanka Business Council also attended the Round Table.

In his introductory remarks, Kalum de Silva highlighted the ongoing activities and programmes that are in place between Sri Lanka and Australia.  He also spoke of the visit to Sri Lanka by a business delegation organized in partnership with the Victoria State Government, the Aboriginal Economic Development Group (AEDG) and other stakeholders.  Meetings were held in Sri Lanka with Export Development Board, National Chamber of Commerce, SLASSCom and other stakeholders as well as visits to places of interest.

In addressing the participants at the Round Table, the High Commissioner outlined the areas of cooperation and potential that could be looked into by those interested in business and the investment sectors.

Some of those present at the Round Table raised issues that need to be addressed in promoting trade and investment links and made suggestions on areas that could be pursued.

The High Commissioner invited the members of the chambers and other interested parties to be in touch with the High Commission as well as the Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Melbourne so that any assistance sought and networking opportunities could be arranged.

 Sri Lanka High Commission


15 November 2023

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