International Day of Vesak Celebrated at United Nations Premises in Nairobi

International Day of Vesak Celebrated at United Nations Premises in Nairobi


The Sri Lanka High Commission and the Royal Thai Embassy in Nairobi jointly hosted the International Day of Vesak, the most sacred day of Buddhists at the United Nations Office Premises in Nairobi on Friday 17th May 2019.

The Acting Director General of United Nations Office in Nairobi, Madam Maimunah Mohd Sharif,  read the Vesak Day Message   of   the Secretary General of   United Nations which  emphasised  “Buddha’s message of non-violence and service to others”  and that  all  should renew  thier commitment to “building a world of peace and dignity for all”.  H.E. Cherdkiat Atthakor, Ambassador of Thailand in his address stated that being compassionate all and the ability to lift one another than  building  walls between people is the need of the hour.He also mentioned  that this sentiment is amply emphasised in the teachings of Lord Buddha.

H.E.Sunil de Silva, High Commissioner of Sri Lanka briefly reflected on Buddha’s Teaching of “Metta” and stated  that inner transformation within the individual is the path to peace.

Venerable Yatirawana Wimala Thero of Nairobi Buddhist Temple conducted the religious observances and guided all those present at the event through a short meditation.  Venerable thero reiterated the importance of self awareness  and the need to control once actions  in keeping with Buddhist principles.

The Ceremony was attended by diplomats, UN Staff and members of the Buddhist community in Kenya.


Sri Lanka  High Commission
17 May 2019

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