2019 Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference

2019 Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference

 Photo - PR delivering NPT statement


Statement by H.E Dr. Rohan Perera
Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN
01 May 2019 - Trusteeship Council Chamber, UNHQ, New York


Mr. Chairman

I wish to congratulate you on your election as Chairman of the Third Preparatory Committee of the 2020 NPT Review Conference. I wish to assure you of my delegation’s full cooperation as you guide and lead the work of this Committee. Sri Lanka aligns herself with the statement of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Sri Lanka remains steadfast in its conviction that the threat of nuclear weapons prevails as one of the most daunting challenges to humankind and one that requires urgent, concerted and committed action from all of us as Member States. The non-proliferation of nuclear weapons is crucial in the maintenance of international peace, security and stability.

As we move towards the 50th Anniversary of the entry into force of the NPT and the 25th Anniversary of its indefinite extension; an event Chaired by Sri Lanka, I was privileged to have been present on that occasion; it is imperative that all our efforts be geared to ensuring that the 2020 Review Conference will lead to a consensus outcome, which galvanizes the commitments made in the 1995, 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences.  Securing a world free of nuclear weapons and other forms of weapons of mass destruction should remain our first and foremost priority.

Mr. Chairman,

Sri Lanka is fully committed to the nuclear non-proliferation commitments of the NPT. In this regard, we reiterate that the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty remains the bedrock multilateral nuclear-arms control agreement. We must however remember that nuclear non-proliferation is only one of the three pillars of the NPT. The promotion of the safe and secure use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and nuclear disarmament is of equal critical importance and deserves the utmost attention and commitment by all States.

Sri Lanka was one of the first States to sign both the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty in 1968 and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty in 1996. It is our belief that a transparent, sustainable and credible plan for multilateral nuclear disarmament is required to remove the menace of the possible use or threat of use of nuclear weapons.  Additionally, we continue to remain a stalwart supporter of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, adopted in 2017.

We urge all States to continue taking steps towards a world free of nuclear weapons, including through assessing how regional approaches, conferences, instruments, initiatives or organizations can help further the implementation of the Treaty. Sri Lanka appreciates the increased cooperation among States to establish nuclear weapons free zones, and considers this as an indication of the commitment of States towards achieving a world free of nuclear weapons. We call for all nuclear-weapon States to undertake further efforts to reduce and ultimately eliminate their nuclear arsenals, and ensure a world free of nuclear-weapons.

In addition to the Non-Proliferation Treaty regime being advanced, we must work to promote and safeguard the economic development prospects for all, through equal access to the technology advancing peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Additionally, Member States must manifest their support for, and investment in, disarmament training and education provided by the UN and other organizations. Sri Lanka acknowledges the valuable contribution and assistance provided by the IAEA through its projects in the country.

Finally, we emphasize the right of all Non-Nuclear Weapon States which are Parties to the NPT to receive effective, universal, unconditional, non-discriminatory, irrevocable and legally binding security assurances against the use, or threat of use of nuclear weapons under all circumstances.

Mr. Chairman,

The threat of nuclear weapons is one of the most significant and pressing global challenges of our time. We must work together to reaffirm the central role of the NPT in the global non-proliferation regime, the foundation for the pursuit of nuclear disarmament, and an important element in facilitating the benefits of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, for the common benefit of humanity. Accordingly, Sri Lanka attaches much importance to the work of the Third Preparatory Committee as we strive to achieve a much needed positive outcome of the 2020 Review Conference.

Thank you.


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