Ambassador Hangawatte attends Tamil school Prize giving ceremony in Bondy

Ambassador Hangawatte attends Tamil school Prize giving ceremony in Bondy


Liens et cultures, (Links and Cultures), a Tamil cultural association located in the Paris suburb of Bondy celebrated its 6th end-of year student graduation at the City Hall in Bondy.

Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to France Professor Karunaratne Hangawatte, the chief guest at this event, was warmly welcomed by Mrs.Sylvine Thomassin, Mayor of Bondy, Town Council members of Bondy and Mr.Sivanatham Rajendram, President of Association Liens et Cultures.

Addressing a large audience of students, teachers, special invitees and officials of Liens et Cultures, Ambassador Hangawatte emphasized the importance of learning one’s mother language and acquiring a solid awareness of one’s culture and origins. “I am always delighted to be invited to the city of Bondy and to see the happy, smiling faces of children” he added.


The Mayor of Bondy, Mrs.Sylvine Thomassin, reiterated the importance of such cultural events which allow the diverse ethnic community in Bondy to come together in sharing elements of their respective cultures. Driven by the need for unity and harmony within her community, Mrs.Thomassin expressed her strong belief that diverse communities in Sri Lanka were well on their way to rebuilding peace and unity within their country since the end of the armed conflict in 2009.

Over one thousand Tamil language learning text books were offered to students of Liens et Cultures by the Government of Sri Lanka in view of their next school year as part of the book donation program applicable to all schools in Sri Lanka. It is hoped that a rapprochement of cultures will arise from a higher proficiency in the Tamil language, especially for students born and raised in France helping them develop a closer bond with Sri Lanka, their country of origin.


Embassy of Sri Lanka
9th July 2014


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