The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Bangkok arranged two photographic exhibitions

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Bangkok arranged two photographic exhibitions


The Sri Lanka Embassy in Bangkok arranged two photographic exhibitions at two respected tertiary institutions in Thailand to highlight Sri Lanka’s historical sites and tourist attractions.


The Sri Lanka Embassy in Bangkok arranged two photographic exhibitions at two respected tertiary institutions in Thailand to highlight Sri Lanka’s historical sites and tourist attractions.

By educating faculty and students of the Asian Institute of Technology, celebrating its Golden Jubilee anniversary and Mahidol University both in Bangkok, the Embassy was drawing attention to the changed circumstances in Sri Lanka with the defeat of the terrorist LTTE and the vast educational and tourist opportunities thrown open across the country to visitors.

Sri Lankan students along with their colleagues from other Asian nations and Staff at both AIT and at Mahidol University attended the exhibition held on two days last week.


The exhibition of photographs taken by well known photographer Pradeep Padmaperuma a visiting Sri Lanka, was initiated by Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Thailand, Prof. J.B. Disanayaka, a keen photographer himself, who explained the significance of some of the historical sites depicted in the pictures.

Padmaperuma whose subjects cover a wide range of interests from history to the environment and animal life holds regular exhibitions in schools in Sri Lanka to educate children on the subjects depicted in his pictures.


Dr Wariya Chinwanno, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Mahidol University said that she enjoyed the exhibition so much that she was looking forward to going to Sri Lanka and visiting the places shown in the pictures.

Thanking Pradeep Padmaperuma for the wonderful experience, Prof Sudip Rakshit Vice President Research of the Asian Institute of Technology, said the exhibition arranged by the Sri Lanka Embassy added a new dimension to AIT’s 50th Anniversary celebrations.

Embassy of Sri Lanka

25 August 2009

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