Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Omar Lebbe Ameer Ajwad graced the 77th Independence Day celebrations of Sri Lanka, hosted by the Sri Lankan Cultural Forum in Dammam, on 07 February 2025. The Ambassador attended the event as the chief guest.
The event commenced with the hoisting of the national flag by the Ambassador to the sound of magulbera, followed by the singing of the national anthem. In keeping with the tradition, a two-minute silence was observed in remembrance and honour of all patriots who sacrificed their lives for the motherland.
Addressing the gathering, Ambassador Ameer Ajwad greeted the Sri Lankan community in the Kingdom and briefed them on the policy of the new Government of Sri Lanka based on the three pillars, alleviation of rural poverty, digital economy and the “Clean Sri Lanka” programme. The Ambassador also pointed out that since the Government of Sri Lanka has achieved a historic mandate, winning the hearts and minds of all the communities in the country, it is important that all communities, irrespective of their differences, join hands with the government for nation building. The Ambassador also invited the Sri Lankan community in the Kingdom to contribute to the “Clean Sri Lanka” projects introduced by the government.
Moreover, Ambassador Ameer Ajwad highlighted the completion of 50 years of diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and outlined the initiatives taken by the Embassy to commemorate this historic milestone. The Ambassador briefed the audience on the initiatives of the Embassy to reach out to the community by introducing the successful fortnightly program “Talk to Your Ambassador”. He invited the members of the Sri Lankan community in the Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia to make use of the programme to discuss their issues and to present their own suggestions to the Embassy.
During the event, students from the Sri Lankan International School in Dammam who excelled in the essay, art and the logo design competitions organized by the Embassy to mark the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations received awards from Ambassador Ameer Ajwad.
A large number of Sri Lankan expatriates living in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia came together to commemorate this significant national occasion demonstrating their patriotic solidarity. Moreover, Sri Lankan traditional cuisine was served to the participants.
At the end of the event, the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Riyadh conducted its monthly consular mobile service, rendering consular and labour welfare services to a large number of Sri Lankan migrant workers living and working in the region.
Embassy of Sri Lanka
03 March 2025